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MINUTES <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />CITY OF PARIS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />WEDNESDAY JULY 24, 2013 <br />12:00 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />The meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by <br />Vice Chairman Ben Vaughan. <br />A. The following members were present: Vice Chairman Ben Vaughan, Nancy <br />Anderson, Britin Bostick, and Carolyn Hicks <br />B. Douglas Cox, David Stewart, and Lauri Redus were absent and 1 position is <br />vacant. <br />C. Also present: Joey Sleeper, Historic Preservation Officer; Bret & Sherrie <br />Holbert. <br />2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting. (July 10, 2013) <br />Motion was made by Nancy Anderson and seconded by Britin Bostick to approve <br />the minutes as written. The motion carried 4 -0. <br />3. Consideration of and action on the following Certificates of Appropriateness: <br />A. Fagade renovation, 107 Grand Avenue, Bret & Sherrie Holbert <br />Vice Chairman Vaughan introduced the item and called the applicant, Bret <br />Holbert. Commissioner Anderson noted that the application still indicated <br />sandblasting the brick. Mr. Sleeper stated that as a continuation of a tabled <br />item, a revised application was not required. Commissioner Bostick then noted <br />that the applicant's revised narrative indicated that sandblasting would not be <br />used. Mr. Holbert then explained that the design would be similar to one <br />recommended by the Texas Historical Commission and that existing paint <br />would be removed from the brick in an approved manner without sandblasting. <br />He further explained that the facade would consist of a standard door and <br />casement -type windows below the canopy, which will also be refurbished per <br />guidelines. Windows above the canopy would not have glass, but would be <br />constructed to have the appearance of standard window frames. Mr. Holbert <br />indicated that the proposed colors were selected from the approved sample <br />book including HC -103 (Cromwell Gray) for window frames and siding, <br />HC -105 (Rockport Gray) for the awning and black for the door and inserts.for <br />windows above the canopy. Mr. Holbert reiterated that the transom and upper <br />windows would not have glass, but if security concerns arose glass or security <br />bars would be necessary if approved by the Commission. Commissioner <br />Anderson asked if an awning would be installed above the upper windows, and <br />Mr. Holbert answered that awnings would not be installed. Vice Chairman <br />Vaughan asked about the mounting of the proposed signs. Mr. Holbert <br />