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PARIS -LAMAR COUNTY HEALTH BOARD <br />MINUTES <br />The Paris -Lamar County Health Board met on Tuesday, March <br />26,1991, at the Holiday Inn. The meeting was called to or- <br />der by Richard Bercher, M.D. at 6:55 A.M. <br />Board members present were: Richard Bercher, M.D., Wallace <br />Kraft,D.�V.,M;. Gordon B. Strom, M.D., Thomas Cutrell, M.D., <br />Mrs. Francis Ellis, and Mrs. Ann Norment. Others present <br />were: Lucy Fetner, M.D., Lorrin Scott, Gene Anderson, Troy <br />Owens, Michael Malone, Anthony Bethel, and Carl Steffey. <br />The minutes of the previous meeting on February 19, 1991 <br />were. read. Dr. Bercher made a motion ; -that they be approved. <br />Dr. Strom seconded. Motion approved. <br />Lorrin Scott gave a report on the following items:, Shigella <br />outbreak in a local day care, report from.TDH• regarding the <br />high immunization level of PISD students, employment of new <br />nurse, Barbara Ward, R.,N., physical plant improvements at <br />the Clinic, reinspection by TDH /M &CH on April 5,1991, the <br />recent fire and burglary at the Clinic, the need to begin <br />the budget process, and discussion on loss of Psychiatric <br />care in the jail. <br />Anthony Bethel discussed the new fee schedule for Clinic ser- <br />vices. Dr. Strom made a motion to .approve new schedule. Dr. <br />Kraft seconded. Motion was approved. Next was a discussion <br />on new proposal ordinance for the Food Establishment inspect- <br />ion fees for the City of Paris. Dr. Strom made a motion to <br />approve new fees, pending approval of ordinance. Dr. Kraft <br />seconded. Motion approved. Anthony was instructed to present <br />the model ordinance to the Commissioners Court. Dr. Kraft <br />made a motion for Anthony to present this matter. Dr. Cutrell <br />sodonded. Motion carried. Monthly restaurant inspections were <br />discussed. <br />Dr. Strom and Dr. Cutrell requested that periodically the <br />monthly report include information regarding infection rates; <br />such as number of TB reactors in a given time frame. <br />Dr. Fetner reported that she would represent the Health Dept: <br />at a March of Dimes Fund Grant Meeting this week in the Dallas <br />area. A brief discussion was held about the possibility of <br />submitting a grant request in conjunction with Chance,!.Inc. <br />next year. <br />The next meeting was set for Tuesday, April 23, 1991, at the <br />Holiday Inn, at 6:45 A.M. <br />This meeting was adjourned at 7:40 A.M, <br />Respectfully Submitted <br />