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PARIS -LAMAR COUNTY HEALTH BOARD <br />MINUTES <br />The September 24, 1991 meeting was called to order at 7 :04 <br />A.M. by Richard Bercher, M.D. Those present were: <br />P. Richard Bercher, M.D. Lorrin Scott, P. -A. -C <br />Gordon B. Strom, M.D. T.K. Haynes <br />Thomas Cutrell, M.D. Billy Joe Burnett <br />Mrs. Prances Ellis Gene Anderson <br />Anthony Bethel <br />Michael Malone <br />Julie Abbott <br />Sharon Seals <br />Minutes of the August meeting were approved as read. <br />Lorrin Scott, P.A., gave the monthly report and said we <br />have cut back on walk -ins because of people having more <br />serious problems. Our OB clinic is doing very well. <br />Anthony Bethel gave his report stating that our immuni- <br />zations tripled in August and that fees have doubled. <br />One positive case of a skunk with rabies was reported. <br />He introduced Julie Abbott.- the new CIDC social worker <br />for the health department. The CIDC Grant is for one <br />year allowing for two positions. Julie will recruit new <br />providers for applicants 0 to 21 years of age. <br />Gene Anderson discussed that the City Council met last <br />night and did a Budget Amendment, to be approved Thursday. <br />Dr. Petner called Gene concerning her pay and being on <br />Maternity Leave. She is a city employee and not a contract. <br />employee. Dr. Bercher said they should review her contract <br />and discuss compensation to keep her on after delivery. <br />The next meeting was set for October 22, 1991, at the <br />Holiday Inn at 6:45 A.M. <br />The meeting adjourned at 7:31 A.M. <br />