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PARIS -LAMAR COUNTY HEALTH BOARD <br />MINUTES <br />The Paris -Lamar County Health Board met on November 26, 1991, <br />at the Holiday Inn. <br />Board members present were: Dr. Richard Bercher, Dr. M. Thomas <br />Cutrell, Rev. Evans, Mrs. Ellis, Dr. Bert Strom, Mrs. Ann Nor - <br />ment, <br />Others present were: Lorrin Scott, Gene Anderson, Billy Joe <br />Burnett, Anthony Bethel, Michael Malone, Barbra Francis, Glenn <br />Stephens, and Sharon Seals. <br />Dr. Bercher called the meeting to order at 7 :03 A.M. Minutes <br />were reviewed and Mrs. Norment made a correction regarding <br />the Head -Start Program' Physicals. Dr. Lucy Fetner had agreed <br />to do the Physicals instead of Lorrin Scott. <br />Dr. Bercher stated that we need to put the nursing position <br />back on the Commissioners Court and City Council Agendas. Dr. <br />Strom seconded. All approved. <br />Lorrin Scott gave his monthly report. He stated some drug test- <br />ing has been done at random with the first OB patient testing <br />positive. He then announced his resignation from the Health <br />Department effective January, 1992. He has accepted:a job in <br />Mitchell County Hospital in Colorado City, Texas. His liabili- <br />ty ends January 8, 1992. He will bring details of the claims <br />made liability to our next meeting. -Mrs. Ellis made motion to <br />accept the resignation. Dr. Cutrell seconded. All reluctantly <br />agreed. <br />Anthony Bethel gave his monthly report. The State is cutting <br />back the STD program at the Health Department. They will send <br />someone here from Tyler-,to work HIV and Syphillis. Dr. Bercher <br />said he will call Dr. Crowder and talk about the much needed <br />Veneral Disease Program here. Anthony stated that on Sept. -1; <br />1992, the State will not allow our LVN to run water samples. <br />The new restaurant fees were approved and will start Dec.1,1991. <br />All restaurants county wide with 1 to 5 employees will pay <br />$25.00, 6 to 9 will pay $75.00, and over 9 will pay $125.00. <br />Mrs. Norment pointed out that Glenn Stephens got us on the <br />County Commissioner's Agenda for the new restaurant fees. <br />Our next meeting is set for December 10, 1991, at 6:45 A.M. at <br />the Holiday Inn. <br />This meeting adjourned at 8:00 A.M. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Sharon J- Seals <br />