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(Paris —Lamar County Y ealth Department <br />400 West Sherman Street <br />Paris, Texas 75460 E <br />Voice: 903 - 785 -4561 <br /> <br />Minutes of Special Meeting <br />Paris - Lamar County Board of Health <br />The Paris - Lamar County Board of Health held a SPECIAL meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, <br />November 21, 2013. In attendance were Dr. Rick Erickson, Dr. Keith House, Dr. Mark Gibbons, <br />Dr. William George, and Mr. William Collins. Not in attendance were Dr. Lav Singh and Mrs. <br />Kristi Head. Others in attendance were Mrs. Gina Prestridge, Ms. Cheryl Johnson, Mrs. Carla <br />Rhodes, Mrs. Elishia Brothers, Mrs. Nita Johnson, Mrs. Rebecca Sanders and Mr. Gene <br />Anderson. <br />Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Dr. Erickson. <br />Dr. George made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Gibbons that minutes from the October <br />22, 2013 meeting be approved. <br />At 5:33 p.m., Dr. George made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Gibbons that the Board of <br />Health members convened into executive session to discuss performance evaluations for the <br />Executive Director and Medical Director. <br />At 5:48 p.m., Dr. George made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Gibbons that the Board of <br />Health members convened into open session. <br />At 5:49 p.m., Dr. George made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Gibbons that the <br />performance evaluations be approved and made a part of the Executive Director and Medical <br />Director's personnel chart. <br />Mr. Gene Anderson advised the Board of Health members that the interlocal Cooperative <br />Agreement between Lamar County, City of Paris, and the Paris -Lamar County Health <br />Department still needs some clarification in several areas and that Mr. Kent Mcilyar sent a copy <br />over to the County Judge to review and make changes. <br />Mrs. Prestridge, Executive Director, updated the board members that TML can provide <br />insurance policies to the Health Department employees at a higher rate since we are a smaller <br />group and HRA will be available. Steven Gerald with Edward Jones is getting some retirement <br />information together for the board to review. Mrs. Prestridge advised the board members <br />about the audit findings, the Agreed upon Procedure with McClanahan & Holmes to review <br />accounts, and the Pre - Approval of 1115 Waiver. Mrs. Prestridge requested approval to submit a <br />grant request in the amount of $10,600. to the St. Joseph Community Foundation Grant. <br />