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Page 4 <br />Fairground Committee <br />May 20, 1991 <br />Jess Nickerson, Attorney for the Red River Fair Association, pointed <br />out there will be a change in the legal description in the sublease <br />with the Paris Rodeo and Horse Club due to the horse barn reverting <br />back to the Fair Association, and the legal description will be <br />furnished later. <br />Mr. Nickerson called the Committee's attention to Page 2, Section 1.02, <br />Subsection b., which involves the option to extend the term, where it <br />mentions August 12, 1996 and November 12, 1996, this will be corrected <br />to read 1995 instead of 1996. Mr. Nickerson also called attention to <br />the limits of insurance under Article 7, beginning with page 6, the <br />limits of insurance will be change to $250/$500/100 which will conform <br />to State law. <br />Councilman Bell made a motion to recommend to the City Council to <br />approve the sublease between the Red River Valley Fair Association and <br />the Paris Rodeo and Horse Club as it is written with the above <br />mentioned changes. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Smith, and <br />carried 3 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Chairman Burnett announced the next item on the agenda was discussion <br />of lease agreement between the Red River Valley Fair Association and <br />the Lamar County Human Resource Council, and the Lease Agreement <br />between the Red River Valley Fair Association and the Paris Jaycees. <br />Chairman Burnett said one of the thing that was bothering him was the <br />Fair Association was charging the Paris Jaycees $120.00 a night for <br />bingo, and charging the Department of Human Resources $163.00 a night. <br />Gordon Hogue, Director of the Red River Valley Fair Association, was <br />present explaining that the Paris Jaycees furnishes the equipment for <br />bingo, they play two session per week, whereas, the Department of Human <br />Resources will be playing three times a week, part of their rent will <br />be coming to the Fair Association, where the Fair Association <br />reimburses the Jaycees $350.00, so the rental fees are very comparable. <br />Mr. Hogue said both parties are aware of this and has agreed to this <br />arrangement. <br />Chairman Burnett made the statement that the financial statement <br />submitted to the City from the Fair Association was very vague, and <br />went over a portion of the statement including rent for the two <br />organizations. <br />Councilman Bell requested that the income be broken out on the <br />copulation in order to provide a much more clearer picture of the Fair <br />Association's income. <br />After discussion was had with Mr. Hogue, and City Attorney Haynes, it <br />was the consensus of the Committee to have W. E. Anderson, Director of <br />Finance for the City of Paris, review the financial statements the City <br />has received, report back to the Committee of what he needs to make a <br />judgement in order to satisfy the needs of the City of Paris, and how <br />often he needs this information, then report back to the Committee. <br />