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DEAN SIGN CO. ADVERTISING SIGN SPACE AGREEMENT NO 006 <br />- Faris, Texas city Paris, Texas _ Dot January. 22 t979 <br />Forty Dollars year, pa able_ annually in advance. the <br />In consideration of per y <br />undersigned. lessor, do hereby lease and grant to Dean Siga Company, and im assigns,. lessees, the following premises and privileges to -wit: <br />The exclusive right to use for advertising purposes, with free access to and from same, all of a following described property: <br />Lot 6, City Block 276, City of Paris and running . thru to Loop 24 on North. <br />Locatonvr one Butletin (Sin - <br />Paris 754 d <br />Texas. for a teen of five years <br />city of State of W. <br />1st day of February l9 - <br />front the _ yY sam EVES the <br />TTRi5 E DRESSLY of ED THAT THE LESSOR MAY ORDER Irate HB ADVERTISING SIGNS REMOVED AT ANY TIME BY GIVING s THE <br />LESSEE 30 DAYS' NOTICE IN WRITING, in the cast the lessor sells the premises. (except sales to Federal: State or other political subdivisions pursuant <br />m eminent domain, authority) or Improves same by rrecriag a 6uildingc om �idp r,m of and upon °t of its bo rds� of said eels oI- improvement thereon, the <br />lessor shall refund to the base*. the rent paid in advance. pro rata, E <br />Should the view of the boards become in any way obstructed. or the free use of the property by the lessee be denied by law, the lesser may term <br />Ewe this lease and the lessor shall refund to the less&* the rent paid in advance pro rata <br />for the unexpired term above mentioned. All s +gns and improvements less* hall <br />placed on the premises under this lease shall always remain th. property of the lesxr_a�ndE may be m(o!yc�d{ pbpy�7iyy •aO AGREESdTO- PAY ANY AND eALL refund to <br />die rmr paid in advance. pry rata, from the time of the removal of its boards. R ER19- RSCRIDED. It it specifically agreed that no <br />TAXES ASSESSED AGAINST' THEIR ADVERTISING STRUCTURES obS Ot THE PROPER A <br />otter advertising structure will be ereeted on this property these will obstruct the view or impair the valus of this location. <br />Lessee shall protect and save harmless Lessor from all damage to persons or property by reason of accidents. resulting from the neulerc•or willful_ <br />acts of its agents, employees, of workmen in the eonsrrueeion. maintenance. repair. or removal of its stg+is on'the property... .. .. _ <br />Tt is expressly understood that Dean .Sign Company <br />is not bound. by any stipuu <br />laona, representations or: promises nor. written oz. <br />:_ w <br />