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959 <br />Also, they helped start the North East Texas Regional Mobility Council <br />(NETMOB). He advised that NETMOB was setup as a transportation support <br />group. They have three objectives: the completion of Highway 24 as a four <br />lane divided highway; to designate I30 east from Dallas to Texarkana as an <br />active corridor; and designate Highway 19 between Sulphur Springs and Paris <br />as a super two lane highway. <br />Mr. Vest said this was a legislative year and during the 77th Legislative Session, <br />there were forty (40) bills introduced that would have directly affected this <br />corporation (PEDC). Eleven (11) of these bills passed and a summary of these <br />was provided in the packet; three (3) bills which were importantlo PEDC did <br />not pass, including one introduced by Mark Homer. <br />Mr. Vest advised they had attende4 the National Association of Manufacturers <br />show in Chicago, March 5th through 9th; the International Food Technology <br />Show in New Orleans June 25th through June 276h; the North American Food & <br />Equipment Manufacturers Show in Orlando, September 7th through September <br />10th; the Texas Economic Development Conference September 19th through 21St <br />in Dallas; and the Bio- Technology Briefing in Tyler November 1St. Mr. Vest <br />said Eric attended the Basic Industrial Course, which is conducted through <br />Texas A &M in San Antonio. Eric also attended the Biology Technology <br />briefing November 1St in Tyler, Texas. <br />Mr. Vest said there are a number of organizations that they are active with and <br />gave the Council a list of those organizations. <br />Mr. Vest reported that PEDC will be conducting a Paris Area Labor Survey to <br />determine the availability of workers and will also be conducting a Wage and <br />Benefit Survey in the area. The Wage and Benefit Survey will be done with the <br />help of Economic Development Services located in Irving who will actually <br />conduct the survey. Mr. Vest said all of the industries in Paris will receive <br />copies of the survey, so they will know what the norm and average is in the <br />community. <br />