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AGENDA POLICY <br />1. All agenda materials must be submitted to the city manager by no later than 12:00 noon the <br />Tuesday before each regular council meeting. This includes the item wording, covering memor- <br />andum, backup documents, contracts, ordinances and resolutions (prepared in advance by the city <br />attorney if required), etc. <br />2. Sufficient data should be provided to city staff to allow them to prepare suitable memoranda to <br />accompany each agenda item. <br />3. The cover memorandum should be thorough enough to allow a lay reader to understand the issue <br />and the purpose of it being placed on the council's agenda, and should anticipate likely questions. <br />4. Failure to meet this deadline will result in an item being removed from an agenda. <br />5. Where practical, the city manager and /or city attorney should assist with appropriate captioning. <br />6. Agenda items should not duplicate one another. <br />7. Only a council member on the prevailing side may place a previously voted item on a subsequent <br />agenda for reconsideration. <br />8. Agendas will be distributed on Thursday afternoons, before 5:00 p.m. <br />