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Regular Council Meeting <br />February 25, 2015 <br />Page 10 <br />20. Discuss and act on RESOLUTION NO. 2015 -010: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING A REQUEST TO THE <br />TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATATION (TXDOT) TRANSPORTATION <br />ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM (TAP), FOR FUNDING TO COMPLETE THE TRAIL <br />DE PARIS WEST TO THE CITY LIMIT, INCLUDING A CONNECTION TO THE <br />WEST PARIS TRAIL; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED <br />TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Mr. Godwin introduced Earl Erickson and Mike Donovan who gave a presentation to the <br />City Council about the grant application and their proposal to complete the Trail de Paris west to <br />the city limit. Mr. Donovan explained there would be a 20% local match for construction, but <br />because Lamar County was considered a disadvantage county that the City would receive a 51 % <br />discount off of the match if awarded the grant. He estimated the preliminary project cost to be <br />$980,000. Council Member Plata mentioned there was a part of the trail from the college to the <br />loop that was in need of maintenance and Mr. Godwin said he would be bringing something to <br />the Council about that. Council Member Pickle reminded everyone they could make donations <br />to the Trail through their water bills. Mr. Donovan told the Council that the application deadline <br />was May 4, 2015, and that the project selection and award would be sometime between July and <br />September 2015. <br />A Motion to approve the Resolution authorizing the grant application was made by <br />Council Member Grossnickle and seconded by Council Member Lancaster. Motion carried, 7 <br />ayes — 0 nays. <br />21. Receive presentation from the Main Street Advisory Board about the accomplishments of <br />the Main Street Program. <br />This item was rescheduled to the March 9t' meeting. <br />22. Discuss and act on expenditures in an amount not to exceed $90,000 for the downtown <br />spray park. <br />Mr. Godwin reminded City Council that last May the City reached an agreement with <br />First United Methodist Church to convert their front parking lot into a spray park with a public <br />restroom. He said the public restroom had been paid for through donations and fund - raisings. <br />Mr. Godwin also said the park would be open to the public, but the operating and maintenance <br />costs would be the responsibility of the church. Mr. Godwin said the spray park and other <br />improvements would be a great asset to downtown and were consistent with downtown planning <br />and the Parks Master Plan and that the church was asking the City to pay for one -half of the <br />costs. He said staff recommended spending up to $90,000 for one -half the costs of the actual <br />park. <br />Council Member Pickle inquired where the $90,000 was going to come from and Mr. <br />Godwin told him from the general fund and there were enough reserves to cover it. Council <br />
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