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SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FIRE SERVICE COMMITTEE <br />NOVEMBER 3, 1998 <br />The Fire Service Committee met in special session, Tuesday, November 3, 1998, <br />5:00 P. M., Fire Station No. 1, Training Room. Chairman Alan R. Boyd called <br />the meeting to order with the following members present: Mayor Pro Tem Jerry <br />L. Thomas, Dr. Joe Deupree, Marshall Kent, Jr., Kenneth Webb, and Gina <br />Walker. Also present was City Manager Michael E. Malone, City Attorney <br />Scott P. Foster, Fire Chief Steve Burgin, City Engineer Earl Smith, and City <br />Clerk Mattie Cunningham. <br />Chairman Boyd said that when plans were made to build Fire Station No. 1, it <br />was basically a two phase project that was going to be done. Phase One was to <br />close Central Fire Station and build Fire Station No. 1, move it out more <br />towards the north in order to cover areas that were not receiving adequate <br />coverage while the City did not leave the downtown area without good <br />coverage. After some thought and looking at different sites, this site was <br />chosen. Chairman Boyd said the City now had adequate protection for <br />MCCuistion Hospital, the nursing homes, Campbell Soup, and the different <br />industries on the Loop and the City is still able to have good response time to <br />the downtown area. Chairman Boyd said at the time the decision was made, it <br />would be leaving some areas in the southern portions of the City with not as <br />good of coverage as other areas. It was the plan at that time to start Phase Two <br />where the City would look at closing down the East Side Fire Station and <br />splitting that station into two stations by moving one out further to the east, and <br />coming back to the south and building a station to cover that area. Chairman <br />Boyd informed the Committee that it is felt that the West Side Fire Station is <br />still adequately located to serve the needs of that area. Chairman Boyd said <br />what has been done is to order two new fire trucks. It takes approximately a year <br />from the time they are ordered to receive them and those two trucks were <br />ordered with the idea in mind that these two stations would be built. Chairman <br />Boyd said the purpose of forming this Committee is to make sure that the City <br />is heading in the right direction and to get input from the Committee in order to <br />make recommendations to the City Council whether to go forward with this <br />project and if so, how that could be accomplished. <br />