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Regular Council Meeting <br />June 8, 2015 <br />Page 2 <br />Dustin Davis, 431 -24th S.E. — he also recommended that Reverend Price be appointed to <br />the PEDC Board. <br />Sister Rosa Lindsey, 947 Dixon — she said Paris had to be made beautiful before we <br />could keep Paris beautiful. She said there was a lot across the street from her which had chest <br />high weeds and was owned by the City. <br />Debbie Hudgens, 6445 FM 1508 - she asked if she would be able to speak under item 19 <br />and Mayor Hashmi answered in the affirmative. <br />Tom Bullock, 4015 Dawn — he said he walks on the trail and heard of the plans to <br />resurface the trail from Collegiate Drive to the loop. Mr. Bullock encouraged the plans. <br />Consent Ap-enda <br />Mayor Hashmi inquired of Council Members if they wished to pull any items from the <br />Consent Agenda for discussion. Council Member Clifford asked for item 11 to be pulled for <br />discussion and Mayor Hashmi asked that item 6d be pulled for discussion. Council Member <br />Clifford said as all citizens of Paris, he would like to see more retail and thought the main way to <br />do that was through primary job creation. He said in order for him to determine if the contract <br />should be extended, he would like to first review all of the retail reports generated by Retail <br />Coach. Council Member Clifford also said he would like to know whether or not there had been <br />net growth retail in Paris as a result of the recruiter and if the money had been spent wisely. He <br />said he would like to table this item pending that information. With regard to item 6d, Mayor <br />Hashmi inquired how a long -term lease could be transferred from one person to another, without <br />going to first person in line on the hangar waiting list. Mr. Godwin explained this specific <br />hanger was built by the owner and the lease was a ground lease, and re- assignment of hangars <br />built by individuals was allowed. Mr. Godwin further explained that the waiting list for hangars <br />was for hangars built by the City. <br />A Motion to table item 11 was made by Council Member Clifford and seconded by <br />Council Member Pickle. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />With the exception of item 11, a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by <br />Council Member Frierson and seconded by Council Member Clifford. Motion carried, 7 ayes — <br />0 nays. <br />Approve minutes from the meeting on May 18, 2015. <br />6. Receive reports and /or minutes from the following boards, commissions, and committees: <br />a. Paris Municipal Band Commission (3 -25 -2015) <br />b. Paris Economic Development Corporation (4 -21 -2015) <br />c. Main Street Advisory Board (3 -10 -2015 & 4 -14 -2015) <br />d. Airport Advisory Board (3 -10 -2015) <br />