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Regular Council Meeting <br />June 8, 2015 <br />Page 10 <br />the information to Council Member Lancaster. Council Member Lancaster said she wants to <br />have an understanding and does not want this to happen again. <br />Council Member Lancaster withdrew her Motion to hire an outside inspector. A Motion <br />to table this item until the next meeting was made by Council Member Lancaster and seconded <br />by Council Member Clifford. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 1 nay, with Council Member Frierson <br />casting the dissenting vote. <br />18. Receive presentation from the engineering department on the infrastructure bond project. <br />Council Member Hashmi said they covered this item under item 17. <br />19. Reconsideration of request by Debbie Hudgens and David Denison for disannexation of <br />property located on Airport Road and 2650 Wildwood Lane. <br />Mayor Hashmi said he wanted to clarify there were some concerns that other residents <br />were not placed on the agenda, but he had gone to the other residences and left his card in case <br />they had questions and did not hear back from them. Mayor Hashmi said people were promised <br />services last time and that did not happen. Ms. Hudgens explained they were annexed in 1998 <br />and promised services. She also explained in March 2013, they contacted Mayor Hashmi about <br />the disannexation process and filed application. She said the request was tabled, services again <br />mentioned, and Mayor Hashmi asked staff to explore getting services to them. Ms. Hudgens said <br />in September of 2013 the disannexation was discussed and again they were promised services. <br />She said again in April it was discussed and Council Member Wright said those not getting full <br />services should be given some type of relief of what they had to pay, or full services be provided <br />to them or they should be disannexed and that Mayor Hashmi agreed. Ms. Hudgens said in May <br />2013, there was discussion on the plans regarding disannexation/annexation requests. She said <br />Mayor Hashmi agreed there needed to be a consistent policy, but he thought the City should in <br />some way give a discount to those they could not provide services or if the City was not going to <br />disannex those properties they should make a plan as to when they were going to provide <br />services. Ms. Hudgens said at that time their request for disannexation was denied. She said <br />their property met the several of the seven criteria in the City's policy for disannexation, there <br />did not appear an end in sight that this was ever going to happen and that she and her husband <br />respectfully requested Council grant their request for disannexation. David Denison said <br />properties to the East and North of him were disananexed citing lack of services. <br />It was a consensus of the City Council that the property owners be allowed disannexation <br />because the services were not provided as promised. Mayor Hashmi said the engineering plans <br />reflected the take sewer service to them would be detrimental because the lines would break <br />down. City Council directed city staff to proceed with the proceedings. <br />Patsy Smith said they had properties on both sides of them and if one person was going to <br />get disannexed they also wanted to be disannexed. Mayor Hashmi said those who wanted to <br />pursue disannexation should make application and follow the process. Larry Smith also spoke in <br />support of the disannexation. Jody Humphrey also spoke and said he lived across from Debbie <br />
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