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Regular Council Meeting <br />June 8, 2015 <br />Page 5 <br />available to the City for further work the amount of $24,281,607 plus an additional $10,000,000 <br />bond available for sale leaving the total available amount of $34,281,607. <br />Mayor Hashmi asked City Manager John Godwin if he wanted to address the questions <br />before or after the tour and Mr. Godwin said it would be better to do so after the tour, because <br />the Chamber needed the trolley returned to them for another event. <br />16. Tour of portions of the City with regard to the infrastructure bond project and tour the <br />drainage ditch located at 41St Street and Highway 82 West. (5:30 p.m. — 6:15 p.m.) <br />City Council, city staff, and citizens who elected to take the tour, left City Hall at 5:55 <br />p.m. The first stop on the tour was Sperry Street. Everyone departed the buses and Council <br />Member Clifford pointed out the concrete work was done by city employees, that the concrete <br />was smooth, clean, lines were straight, expansion joints were included where old concrete met <br />new concrete, and there were no cracks in the concrete. Council Member Clifford said this work <br />was done 5 or 6 months ago and he complimented city employees for doing a professional job. <br />Next, the tour proceeded to the 100 block of 23rd S.W. Street. Everyone departed the <br />buses and Council Member Clifford said the work done on this street was an example of good <br />work and the corner was done under the direction of TX DOT and they had done work on <br />numerous other corners of the City and were all done well. He pointed out expansion joints were <br />used between old and new concrete, that there were no cracks and this work was done about 2 <br />years ago. <br />Next, the tour proceeded to W. Houston Street and everyone departed the buses at 3730 <br />W. Houston. The group toured the entire 13 work sites on the street and Council Member <br />Clifford pointed out there were no expansion joints between the old and new concrete, curbs <br />were cracked, a strip of concrete was placed between two old pieces of concrete, a single <br />segment of sidewalk that did not contain an expansion joint, cracked smeared concrete, a curb <br />that was saw cut and cracking, a driveway that contained cracking concrete and was in rubbles, a <br />crooked curb that was cracked, driveways that were patched, rough concrete in a driveway, a <br />piece of sidewalk that looked as a piece of heavy equipment scraped it and then was lifted up and <br />placed down, and was uneven when it should have been jack hammered and replaced. Council <br />Member Clifford pointed out the corner of 34th and Houston Street where there was new street <br />repair and the concrete was raised up, crumbling and would need to be replaced in a couple of <br />years. Council Member Clifford also pointed out the work on Houston Street was done in the <br />last 3 %2 months. <br />Lastly, the tour went to view the ditch at Highway 82 West and 41s' Street and people <br />departed the buses. Council Member Clifford said he wanted to make everyone aware of how <br />dangerous this ditch was and that it was about a 20 foot drop, it was eroding, full of water, there <br />were no guard rails, there were snakes in the ditch and it was across the street from a park where <br />children play. He asked that city staff look at this and come up with some suggestions of how to <br />make it safer. <br />