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RESOLUTION NO. 2015 -029 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, <br />APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF <br />THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 16 OF THE <br />CITY ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE CITY'S POLICIES AND PROCEDURES <br />FOR STANDING BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES; MAKING <br />OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND <br />PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />WHEREAS, Section 16 -100 of the City Zoning Ordinance No. 1710 as states in part <br />that the Board of Adjustment shall consist of five (5) members, each to be appointed by <br />Resolution of the City council for a term of two years, and that the City Council may appoint <br />two alternate members of the Board of Adjustment who shall serve in the absence of one or <br />more of the regular members when requested to do so by the Mayor or City Manager as the <br />case may be; and <br />WHEREAS, the terms of certain members of the Board of Adjustment of the City of <br />Paris, Texas are expiring on June 30, 2015, and one member is term limited having served <br />three (3) consecutive terms, therefore, it is appropriate that certain members be re- <br />appointed for another term and that all vacancies be filled by Council appointments; and <br />WHEREAS, as of May 1, 2015, Rick Hundley has served six consecutive years on the <br />Zoning Board of Adjustment and is term - limited thereby creating a vacancy; and <br />WHEREAS, the terms of Charles Richards and Nathan Quinton Bell expire at the <br />end of this month and they have not applied for re- appointment, creating two additional <br />vacancies; and, <br />WHEREAS, Bryan Glass has moved outside the city limits of Paris and can no longer <br />serve, creating another vacancy; and <br />WHEREAS, as of June 30, 2015, David Hamilton, Marilyn Smith, and Jerry Harting <br />have served two consecutive two -year terms and may be reappointed for an additional <br />two -year term beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2017; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with the City's Policies and Procedures for standing <br />boards and commissions, as amended, appointees to the Board of Adjustment may serve a <br />maximum of three consecutive terms before they must step down. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />PARIS, TEXAS: <br />Section 1. That the findings set out in the preamble to this resolution are hereby in <br />all things approved. <br />