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Mr. Tuttle displayed the preliminary diagram by TXDOT to members. After <br />discussion Mr.'Sanders made the motion to request that city council moves <br />forward with #2 - extending four lanes of traffic on loop approximately 1000' and <br />install the turnaround lanes as proposed by TXDOT. Ms. Hamby made a second <br />to the motion and it carried 7 -0. <br />Mr. Kohls moved to item #4 regarding old business. Mr. Sanders and Mr. Kohis <br />asked about the missing street sign at Park Place and Loop 286. Mr. Tuttle <br />informed them the Traffic Division would be forwarded this information so it can <br />be corrected. Mr. Tuttle also informed members that he had spoken to TXDOT <br />concerning the previous request for them to consider placing a turn lane at NE <br />Loop & Park Place. Mr. Tuttle informed members that TXDOT Area Engineer <br />Richard Harper had reviewed this intersection and determined the current <br />shoulder was sufficient for right turns. Mr. Harper stated TXDOT would continue <br />to review and study this area in the future for changes that may be needed. <br />Mr. Kohls then moved to item #5 regarding any future agenda items. There were <br />none. <br />Mr. Kohls then moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:31pm. A motion was made by <br />Mr. Shiver and second by Mr. Engelhardt with motion carrying 7 -0. <br />Chairperson: Date: a <br />