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05 - COUNCIL MINUTES FROM 07/13/2015
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05 - COUNCIL MINUTES FROM 07/13/2015
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Regular Council Meeting <br />July 13, 2015 <br />Page 11 <br />Council Member Clifford said he understood the passion that drives Mr. Glatfelter and <br />appreciated it. He also said Mr. Glatfelter was clearly familiar with the massive waste and abuse <br />of the public funds at PEDC over the last several years, and that Mr. Glatfelter wants those <br />responsible for the waste and abuse to be held accountable. Council Member Clifford said <br />unfortunately he could not condone Mr. Glatfelter's actions during the recent PEDC meeting, <br />because they still have to maintain civility even if they disagree. Council Member Plata agreed <br />with Council Member Clifford and Frierson citing you should conduct yourself with <br />professionalism. Council Member Lancaster agreed with Council Member Clifford and stated <br />she thought everyone should always be civil to each other and maintain decorum. <br />Mayor Hashmi inquired of the City Attorney about the procedure for removal of a board <br />member. Mr. McIlyar advised it was addressed in the policies Council adopted, which was they <br />could remove a board member with a majority vote of the Council. Citizen Carol Hufnagle said <br />she was at the meeting and after the exchange of words and as Mr. Glatfelter was walking out the <br />door, that the public was frightened. Colton Wicks, a downtown owner, said the HPC no longer <br />serves it purpose and could be better served by a city employee. Board Member Cindy Allcorn <br />said that Ruth Ann Alsobrook had nominated Mr. Glatfelter to serve as the HPC Chair because <br />he had the longest tenure, but that Ms. Alsobrook had not been aware of what had taken place at <br />the PEDC meeting. <br />A Motion to remove Michael Glatfelter from the Historic Preservation Commission was <br />made by Council Member Pickle and seconded by Council Member Frierson. Motion carried, 6 <br />ayes — 0 nays. <br />17. Receive presentation from Council Member Plata, discuss and act on possible <br />organizational and compensation changes in the police department. <br />Council Member Plata said with the permission of Chief Hundley and the City Manager, <br />for the past 2 % weeks he had been meeting with police officers, both current and past. He said <br />these meetings were initiated because of retention problems with police officers in the City of <br />Paris. Council Member Plata reported the biggest complaint was the way security jobs were <br />selected for police officers, because the highest ranking officers were allowed to sign up for four <br />jobs first, leaving the junior officers with no security jobs to sign up for or for less desirable jobs. <br />Council Member Plata further reported that Chief Hundley indicated he was going to make a <br />change with regard to this issue. Secondly, there was a complaint that no additional pay or <br />incentive was offered for bilingual interpretation, when that officer ends up having to come in on <br />an off day and render interpretation services. Council Member Plata said the third complaint was <br />how the Emergency Detentions were handled, but after meeting with Chief Hundley they could <br />not come up with an easy solution to this problem. He said the fourth issue was the concerns <br />from junior officers that the people that had been there for a long time got preferential treatment, <br />which brought about the issue of no trust in upper management. He said this exemplified itself <br />in that when he spoke with the officers they wanted to remain anonymous. Council Member <br />Plata said the first two points were something that needed to happen as soon as possible, and he <br />knew there would always be disgruntled people. Council Member Plata referenced growth of the <br />Hispanic population and said they should attempt to work with these people instead of being <br />
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