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Regular Council Meeting <br />July 13, 2015 <br />Page 13 <br />officer begins until they can be placed in a car by themselves, it cost approximately $35,000. He <br />said over the last five years it cost the City about $700,000 as a result of the loss of 23 officers <br />from the police department. Mayor Hashmi inquired what it would cost the City if they paid the <br />officers comparable to the closest city. Chief Hundley said if they were to increase each <br />officer's salary by $3,000 the estimated cost would be $180,000. <br />Council Member Pickle asked if it was still a stipulation for an officer to commit to three <br />years upon being hired. Chief Hundley answered in the affirmative and added they stay three <br />years and then leave. Council Member Pickle confirmed with Chief Hundley that he became <br />chief in 2009 and that his budget was 5.6 million and that it had not increased much since that <br />time. Council Member Pickle said he had always felt that if someone wanted to go to Frisco or <br />McKinney; they were going to go anyway. Council Member Pickle said he was opposed to <br />issuance of certificates of obligation for utilities because they needed to come up with the money <br />from somewhere for police, fire and drainage ditches. <br />Council Member Frierson asked when the K -9 unit was last in existence. Chief Hundley <br />said around 2004 -2006. He confirmed with Chief Hundley that a large number of crimes were <br />drug related. <br />Council Member Clifford said he agreed with Council Member Pickle in that they lose <br />people to Frisco because they wanted to move there. He said understood the cost of living was <br />higher in those type areas and that he would like to see a broken down cost of living comparison <br />of the cities, because that was needed in order to be factored into any across the board increase. <br />Chief Hundley said Council Member Clifford was right in that some police officers want to be <br />here because of family. He also said if they made enough money to be comfortable here, then <br />they were less like to go to Frisco. Council Member Clifford said the most difficult part was to <br />retain bilingual officers because they were in such demand. <br />Council Member Plata said he did feel like money was a big factor but questioned if three <br />of four years down the road would they be facing the same issues. Chief Hundley said an <br />increase of salary might not completely stop officers from leaving, but that he felt like it would <br />slow down the turnover rate. <br />18. Receive presentation on operations plan and budget needs for EMS and IT. <br />EMS Director Kent Klinkerman presented the department's operations plan and budget <br />needs, which included the North District Station being relocated from PRMC North campus, <br />land purchase for the new EMS Station, needed budgeting of funds for the building, life cycle of <br />capital equipment and step increase for paramedics similar to that of other departments. <br />19. Receive presentation on operations plan and budget needs for the Fire Department. <br />Chief Wright presented the department's operations plan and budget needs, which <br />included the attrition rate of firefighters, needed increase of salaries, and capital equipment <br />needs. <br />