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Regular Council Meeting <br />July 13, 2015 <br />Page 8 <br />Mr. Keys said at the last meeting it was explained by the city attorney that the majority of <br />an area would carry the decision, whether others did not request disannexation or not. Mayor <br />Hashmi said he did not think that is what they were saying. Council Member Pickle questioned <br />how they could disannex property that was not requested to be disannexed. He expressed <br />concern about all of the property that would be an island. Patsy Smith, residing at 1508 Airport <br />Road, said she had lived there her entire life. She also said if she had wanted to be in the City, <br />she would have purchased land in the City. She said she wanted to be taken out of the City <br />because services that were promised to her were not provided to her. Council Member Frierson <br />said it was a touchy subject, but agreed with the residents in that the City had not provided the <br />services. <br />Council Member Clifford said he was in favor of disannexing the people that wanted to <br />be disannexed and with regard to the island problems; if they could legally disannex them he <br />thought they should do so. Mr. McIlyar said the biggest problem was the Cox Field Airport, the <br />1500 acres out there. Council Member Clifford said they cannot have the airport disannexed. <br />Mr. McIlyar emphasized this is something that City Council needs to think about, whether or not <br />they want to keep the airport and AgPro in the city limits. Council Member Clifford said they <br />have to keep the airport in the city limits, and that they did not want to disannex Cox Field. <br />Council Member Plata stated he was not in favor of disannexation. Council Member Lancaster <br />said she had a problem having residents in the City if the City could not provide the services, and <br />she did not think the City should be collecting taxes from them. Mayor Hashmi said he was in <br />favor of disannexing anyone who wants to be disannexed particularly where the City has failed <br />to provide services that the City promised to them. Mayor Hashmi asked if they disannexed all <br />of the properties and the airport was left separate could the City continue to hold the airport and <br />AgPro. Mr. McIlyar said he would like to do additional research, because what he had read so <br />far is if you create islands and outside of your corporate city limit boundary, your core corporate <br />city limit boundary, that could potentially end up being in the county, whether you disannex it or <br />not just because of the fact that you cut it out, you cut it away from your contiguous city limit <br />boundary. Mayor Hashmi asked if Mr. McIlyar was suggesting at least of one these properties <br />would have to remain I the city limits. Mr. McIlyar said it appears that one or two tracts would <br />have to remain in the City. He said staff needed to check on the Jimmy Hodges property. Mr. <br />McIlyar said staff would bring this back to Council. Council Member Pickle said he would like <br />to ask or encourage the city manager, the city attorney, or whoever to contact all of these people <br />to find out if they want to be disannexed. <br />Mayor Hashmi said that was fine except he did not see a reason to keep the people who <br />had requested disannexation from doing so. Mr. McIlyar reiterated there was a problem with <br />some of the parcels of land, and that staff had not been able to reach some of the property <br />owners. Council Member Frierson said as the process continues, he would like to know what <br />sort of revenue tax base the City would be losing with budget time right around the corner. Mrs. <br />Hudgens said she understood they wanted to wait on the other applications but in the June 8t' <br />minutes her property and David Denison property was approved to proceed. She said they had <br />paid $15,000 in property taxes over the years. <br />