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Mr. Shiver then moved to item #6 concerning any old business. Mr. Tuttle <br />informed members that the street sign at Park Place and NE Loop 286 had been <br />replaced. Mr. Tuttle also informed members that the City Council passed a <br />resolution at the June 08, 2015 meeting approving the TXDOT recommendation <br />to close intersections of FM 1497 and 6th SE at Loop 286 along with extending <br />the four lane east and installing turnarounds as suggested by Traffic <br />Commission. <br />Mr. Shiver then moved to item #7 concerning future agenda items. Mr. <br />Engelhardt had an issue about the ramp on Trail de Paris at the 24th SE St. <br />crossing. Mr. Engelhardt was concerned that the ramp from the trail onto 24 th <br />was too narrow and may need to be widened. Mr. Tuttle stated he would forward <br />this to the Public Works Director. <br />Mr. Shiver then moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:35pm. A motion was made by <br />Mr. Ballard and second by Mr. Shiver with motion carrying 5-0. <br />Chairperson <br />Date: <br />