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0C 0254 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />January 22, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />Ernie Clark displayed an archery shooters' range layout map. He told Council that the <br />progress of the range had been slowed because of weather conditions. Ernie asked Shawn <br />Napier to give Council additional information. Shawn explained they were in the process of <br />building walking paths near Buttermilk Creek; however, had been unable to complete them due <br />to amount of rainfall. These walkways would allow crossings of the creek to access the land <br />on the north side. Shawn further explained that if rain continued, he would go to plan B. <br />Under Plan B, the ten archery ranges would be placed on the south side of the creek. Shawn <br />told Council if the event goes well, there is a possibility the Archer Shooter's Association <br />would consider a five year contract with the City for future competitions. <br />Ernie Clark presented Council with a memo from Kent Klinkerman, setting out MIS <br />Project needs. Ernie informed Council that a radio transmitter had broken and that MIS did <br />not have a back -up. Without the radio transmitter, some of the departments would not be <br />connected to the network. He explained to Council this was an emergency and they needed to <br />order a new radio, which would cost $6,300.00. Ernie told Council the broken radio would <br />be sent in for repairs and could be used for a back -up in the future. <br />Ernie directed Council's attention to a request for additional equipment in the amount <br />of $7,900.00. He asked Kent Klinkerman to explain the request to Council. Kent told Council <br />with more systems coming onto the network, they needed to go wireless via fiber cable. He <br />said the multi mode fiber had breaks, splices and repeaters. Council Member Wilson wanted <br />to know if it could be used with the CAD System. Kent told him that it would tie in with the <br />system and would be utilized. Ernie asked Council to call his office by 1:00 the following day, <br />to advise him whether or not they wanted to moved forward on the additional equipment. He <br />stated if Council wanted to move forward on this equipment, staff could bring it back to <br />Council for ratification. <br />Council Member Wilson requested the financial information provided by Gene <br />Anderson be listed as a discussion item on future Agendas. <br />11. Referrals. <br />Shirley Posey requested a zoning change from Agriculture to Residential (SF -3 with a <br />specific use) on property located at 3400 Old Tigertown Road. The requested was forwarded <br />to Planning and Zoning. <br />12. Staff Reports: <br />A. Report by Director of Finance regarding Pay Mayse Lake Water Rights - Payout <br />Options. <br />Gene Anderson presented Council with a list of pay out options for purchase of the Pat <br />
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