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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />JANUARY 12, 2004 <br />The City Council of the City of Paris met in regular session on Monday, January <br />12, 2004, 6:00 P.M. at Paris Junior College, Bobby R. Walters Applied <br />Technology Building, Room 1206, 2400 Clarksville Street, Paris, Texas. <br />Mayor Curtis Fendley called the meeting to order with the following Council <br />Members present: Jim Bell, Jay Guest, Fran Neeley, Benny Plata and Willie <br />Weekly, Sr. Also, present were City Manager Michael E. Malone, City <br />Attorney Larry W. Schenk, and City Clerk Mattie Cunningham. <br />Mayor Fendley called the Council's attention to item No. 2, receipt of the <br />reports from the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. City Manager <br />Malone said each Council Member had been furnished with a copy of the <br />Planning and Zoning and each recommendation would be presented when the <br />council acted on the item this evening. <br />Mayor Fendley moved on to item No. 3, a public hearing to consider the petition <br />of Wanda Whitaker for a change in zoning from a One - Family Dwelling District <br />No. 2 (SF -2) to a Neighborhood Service District (NS) on Lot 14, Block C, <br />Lamesa Heights Addition, being number 223 5 Sycamore Street. He declared the <br />public hearing open. <br />Wanda Whitaker of 2235 Sycamore Street appeared in favor of her petition. <br />Ms. Whitaker stated that she was a licensed beautician and would like to have <br />a small salon and she would be the only employee. She mentioned the only <br />changes to her property would be a small building in the back and widening of <br />her driveway. She would only have one or two customers at a time and didn't <br />plan to have a big sign because she has been in the business a long time and <br />already has her 'clientele. <br />She related that if she were to sell the property in the future or turn it into rental <br />property, she would come back and have it re- zoned. She didn't think there <br />would be much. more traffic. She felt that one or two cars going through the <br />neighborhood per hour would be a deterrent to the recent drug activity and <br />robberies. She said she would be closing her shop around 5:30 or 6:00 p.m. <br />