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i �, <br />S. Water Use Auditing: <br />The City of Paris Utilities Department receives monthly reports of water sales <br />volumes from the Billing Office. These volumes are compared to metered raw and treated <br />water volumes to track lost or un- accounted for water. This is the initial phase of early <br />identification of lost water and corrective measures are pursued accordingly. A <br />comprehensive water use audit is also performed by private consultants when the utility <br />rate study is performed every three years. Water sales are further tracked by user type as <br />residential, commercial, industrial and wholesale as part of the annual Surface Water Use <br />Report sent to the TNRCC and TWDB. <br />Other Programs <br />1. Emergency Water Management and Drought Contingency Plan: <br />The Utilities Department has maintained a plan for emergency water management for <br />disasters, power outages and other disruptions of service for the past few years. This plan <br />has been updated periodically as needed. A comprehensive Drought Contingency Plan has <br />recently been drafted in accordance with TNRCC guidelines for such plans. <br />2. Reservoir Systems Operations Plan: <br />Pat Mayse Lake is a federally owned reservoir under the jurisdiction of the U.S. <br />Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District. Pat Mayse Lake is included in their drought <br />contingency plan for the Lower Red River Basin. <br />I Relationship to Wholesale Water Customers: <br />Chapter 288 (Water Conservation Plans, Guidelines and Requirements) of Title 30 of <br />the Texas Administrative Code requires all wholesale water contracts entered into or <br />renewed by the City must include a provision that the wholesale customer must adopt a <br />conservation plan in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 288 of Title 30. This <br />clause must be included in the water contracts of Lamar County and Marvin- Jennings- <br />Clardy upon renewal or extension and must be included in any new contract for wholesale <br />water entered into with the City of Paris. Furthermore, any customer purchasing <br />wholesale water from (lie City of Paris who further wholesales water to another customer <br />must require all successive wholesale customers to adopt a conservation plan in <br />accordance with Chapter 288. <br />