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MINUTES OF T}TE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />May 13, 1974 <br />The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Paris on May 13, <br />1974, at 7:00 P.M., was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem J. M. Brunette, <br />with the following Councilmen present: Doyle Vhitaker, O. L. Rainey, Joe <br />King, Brad Hutchison, W. M. (Dub) Moore, and Sam M. Stone. Also present <br />were City Manager K. R. Sweatt, City Attorney T. K. Haynes, and City Clerk <br />Ff. C. Greene. <br />Prayer was offered by Reverend H. G. Rhea, minister of the Immanuel Bap- <br />tist Church. <br />Mayor Brunette asked if there were any additions or corrections to the <br />Minutes of the previous meetings as furnished the members of the Council. <br />There being none, the Minutes were approved. <br />Mayor Pro Ten announced that in accordance with the Charter, nominations <br />were open for the office of Mayor. <br />Councilman King nominated Mayor Pro Tem Brunette for Mayor. A motion was <br />made by Councilman Stone and seconded by Councilman Whitaker that nomina- <br />tions be closed and that Mayor Pro Tem Brunette be elected by acclamation. <br />The vote was unanimous. <br />Mayor Brunette announced that nominations were open for Mayor pro Tem. <br />Councilman Hutchison nominated Councilman Whitaker as Mayor Pro Tem. The <br />notion Baas made by Councilman Stone and seconded by Councilman Rainey that <br />nominations cease and that Councilman Whitaker be elected Mayor Pro Tem . <br />by acclamation. The vote was unanimous. <br />Mayor Brunette presented F. D. Mallory, III, immediate past Mayor of the <br />City of Paris with the Gavel of Office and expressed appreciation of the <br />Council and all the citizens of Paris for his service to the .City of Paris. <br />Mayor Brunette announced that the next order of business would be con8i- <br />deration of recommendations contained in minutes of the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission meeting held on May 6, 1974. <br />Mayor Brunette declared the Public Hearing- open on the petition of Edna <br />Gardner to change from SF -2, Specific Permit for Day Nursery, property <br />being located at 3030 Lamar Avenue, City Block 249. <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission had voted 4 to 1 to recommend denial of <br />the requested zoning. <br />Mayor Brunette called for proponents to appear and Mr. Bill Pitts, Realtor, <br />appeared before the Council, stating that the size of lot petitioned had <br />been changed to 300 feet depth of the lot,.leaving 300 feet zoned SF -2. <br />Air. Pitts advised that a day nursery was planned with hours to be 7:30 <br />A.M. to 5 :30 P.M.; that the area would be fenced; no additional buildings <br />to be erected; a circular drive to be constructed for clients of the nur- <br />sery; that no planned use had been made for the back 300 feet, that only <br />the North 300 feet eras requested at this time. <br />i,Iayor Brunette called for opponents to appear and Mr. Charles Ruff, Mr. <br />Dale McComb and Mrs. Leland. Wilsford appeared before the Council in oppo- <br />sition to the .toning. Mr. McComb recommended to the Council that the peti- <br />tion be "thror:n out because of the original petition from 600 feet to 300 <br />feet. 11 <br />
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