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Regular Council Meeting <br />November 22, 2019? t a <br />Page 3 �7 n <br />fleet graphics and lettering, traffic data collection, intersection vegetation clearing, and Federal <br />Highway Administration Mandates for the years 2012, 2015 and 2018. <br />Finance Director Gene Anderson said that the City Manager had asked him to review the <br />sanitation bids and the City's rate. Mr. Anderson presented a comparison spreadsheet reflecting <br />the 2010 -2011 budget revenues and expenses, as well as expenses under Alternate One for <br />Sanitation Solutions. Council Member Rhonda Rogers asked if there was a comparison table for <br />Waste Management. Mr. Anderson said that he did not have a chance to prepare one, because he <br />had received the numbers that afternoon. Sanitation Solutions owner Josh Bray did not agree <br />with the comparison spreadsheet, because he said that it did not reflect the additional services <br />included in their bid. Mr. Bray said Sanitation Solutions submitted their bid with three <br />alternatives, one was a residential only collection, one was with a landfill only and the other <br />alternate was a combination. <br />Council discussed the bids, residential collection services, landfill services, and the <br />expenses associated with the services. <br />Mayor Biard opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak on the <br />item, to please come forward. <br />Ken Kohls, 3935 Brandyn Place — he said that the City and County needed to work <br />together to establish a place where all citizens could dump unwanted items at no charge. <br />A.D. Thompson, 3920 Alpine — he said that he could not speak for or against <br />privatization until he knew what the cost of services, what kind of services would be provided, <br />and how many employees would lose their jobs. <br />Ruth Ellen Grant, 620 -26' S.E. — she said that she did not have enough information to be <br />for or against privatization. She also said that recycling needs to be a part of whatever decision <br />is made. Mayor Biard said that there was going to be a recycling component. <br />Jesse James Freelen, 115 -45th S.W. — he expressed concern about the containers, because <br />he had heard from several citizens who did not want poly carts. Mayor Biard said that he too had <br />heard the same and that an alternate could be considered. Mr. Freelen asked City Council to <br />research this issue prior to making a decision. He said that five or six years ago citizens filed a <br />petition against privatization. <br />Several Council Members expressed that more information was needed including the cost <br />to the citizens and what kind of services will be provided to the citizens based on the bids. <br />Mayor Biard said having this information would allow the Council to decide on options for <br />services to be provided by the City or the vendor. Mr. Carruth said if other services were going <br />to be. provided, they would need to decide who was going to pay for those services and where the <br />Rinds would come from to pay for those services. <br />
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