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Regular Council Meeting <br />April 9, 2012 <br />1 Page 10 <br />OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND <br />PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />EMS Director Kent Klinkerman explained that PRMC had requested an update to an <br />agreement that has been in effect since 1984. In summary, Mr. Klinkerman said that hospital <br />wanted language to reflect current medical and legal issues. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Pickle and seconded by <br />Mayor Hashmi. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />21. Update on the Roger Stipland ditch drainage problem; and provide direction to City Staff. <br />Mr. Napier told the Council since the last meeting, staff had surveyed the roadway and <br />the finished floor elevation of the Mr. Stripland's house, as well as several other houses in the <br />area. He said highest points along the curve were lower than Mr. Stripland's finished floor <br />elevation, which meant that for the majority of all storms would result only in a standing water <br />problem. Mr. Napier also said that a plan was being developed to fill in the low area of the curve <br />that holds water and with that plan; the standing water problem would be diminished. He stated <br />the work would be performed by the City's Street Department. Mayor Hashmi said direction <br />was not necessary on this item. <br />22. Deliberate and provide direction to City Staff on amending Chapter 3 Section 3 -5(c) of <br />the City of Paris Code of Ordinances to allow for the sale of Texas Wine at Market <br />Square, Farmers Market during the market season. <br />In an effort to develop interest, variety of selection and new vendors, Main Street <br />Director Cheri Bedford asked City Council to consider amending the current ordinance to allow <br />the sale of Texas wine at the Market Square Farmers Market during the market season beginning <br />May 1 and ending October 31. Mrs. Bedford said Texas Wine was considered by the Texas <br />Department of Agriculture to be an agricultural product and there were several cities who were <br />currently allowing wineries to sell at their markets. <br />A Motion to amend the ordinance to allow for the sale of wine at the Farmers Market was <br />made by Council Member Pickle and seconded by Council Member Grossnickle. Motion <br />carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />23. Deliberate and act on clean-up and maintenance projects for the City of Paris. <br />Due to the length of the meeting, Mayor Hashmi said he would like to table this item <br />until the next meeting. A Motion to table this item was made by Council Member McCarthy and <br />seconded by Council Member Pickle. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />24. Update on the renovation of the old council chambers; update on park maintenance and <br />mowing; and update on replacement of cameras and switcher in the council chambers. <br />
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