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Regular Council Meeting <br />May 3r1, -1012 <br />Page 5 <br />1567 <br />Mr. Anderson introduced Chris Ekrut from J. Stowe & Co., who gave a report to the <br />Council. In summary, Mr. Ekrut reported that the City's current wastewater rates were not <br />sufficient to meet the test year budgeted revenue requirements and the City's Rate Maintenance <br />Policy. He recommended that the City increase its current retail wastewater rates by 6.3 %. <br />Mayor Hashmi asked Council Member Frierson to study the report and summarize it for <br />Council, similar to what he had done last year. <br />16. Presentation by Dr. Debra Cherry on grant funding for Paris and Lamar County. <br />Dr. Cherry stated they had been awarded a DSHS Transforming Texas grant for Lamar <br />and Hopkins Counties. She said it was a five -year grant and the overreaching goals were to <br />reduce death and disability due to tobacco use by 5 %; reduce the rate of obesity through nutrition <br />and physical activity interventions by 5 %; and reduce death and disability due to heart disease <br />and stroke by 5 %. Dr. Cherry said there was the possibility of this grant funding an update to the <br />City of Paris Parks Master Plan. <br />17. Presentation by Hayter Engineering on establishment of a drainage improvement district; <br />and provide direction to Staff. <br />Shawn Napier said the City had a list of ongoing drainage issues and one of the major <br />problems was funding. Mr. Napier said the creation of a drainage improvement district and <br />assessing a storm water fee would be helpful in resolving more drainage problems. Reeves <br />Hayter of Hayter Engineering presented City Council several options in creating a district and <br />assessing fees. Mr. Hayter suggested a consultant be hired to study and assess the situation. <br />Council Member Frierson said he was in favor of moving forward, but wanted to know more <br />about what was involved. Council Member Wright said he first wanted a firm commitment on <br />the costs involved. <br />A Motion to instruct staff to explore the possibility of establishing a utility improvement <br />district was made by Council Member Frierson and seconded by Council Member Lancaster. <br />Motion carried, 4 ayes — 2 nays, with Mayor Hashmi and Council Member Wright casting the <br />dissenting votes. <br />18. Presentation by Steve Gilbert of Paris Economic Development Corporation's report. <br />PEDC Director Steve Gilbert gave a presentation on the Paris Economic Development <br />Corporation beginning with year 1993 through the present. He gave a history of the board <br />duties, past board members, successful projects, unsuccessful projects; the numbers of jobs <br />PEDC was instrumental in creating and/or retaining, revenue, and a project summary of <br />expenses. Mayor Hashmi said the Kimberly Clark and Paris Regional jobs should not have been <br />included in the presentation, because those two companies did not receive funds from PEDC. <br />Council Member Frierson complimented PEDC on being a good tool for economic development. <br />Council Member Wright said it was the desire of everyone to have more and better jobs and that <br />