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Paris —Lamar County Health District <br />f 400 West Sherman Street, Paris, Texas 75460 -5646 <br />Health District: (903) 785 -4561 <br />0IL UNTY Women, Infant and Children (WIC): (903) 784 -1411 <br />1 *A asmK7 <br />Fax: (903) 737 -0978 <br /> <br />Minutes of Special Meeting <br />Paris - Lamar County Board of Health <br />The Paris - Lamar County Board of Health held a special meeting at 5:31 p.m. on Monday, July 6th, <br />2015. <br />In attendance were Dr. Mark Gibbons, Dr. Keith House, Mrs. Sharmila Franklin and Mrs. Nancy <br />Stallings. Others in attendance were Mrs. Gina Prestridge and Ms. Cheryl Johnson. Dr. Lance Wyche, <br />Mr. Bill Collins, and Dr. Rick Erickson were not in attendance. <br />Dr. Mark Gibbons, Mrs. Sharmila Franklin and Mrs. Nancy Stallings were sworn in by Cheryl Johnson, <br />Notary Public, at 5:30 p.m. as newly elected or re- elected members. (See attached copies of signed <br />Oath of Office and Statement of Appointed /Elected Officer forms. Originals filed with City of Paris, City <br />Clerk's Office on July 7th, 2015). <br />Dr. Gibbons called the meeting to order in open session at 5:39 p.m. <br />Dr. House made the motion and was seconded by Dr. Gibbons to approve the minutes from the prior <br />meeting. All approved. <br />Cheryl Johnson reminded Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Stallings to complete the required Open Meeting Act <br />and Public Information Act Training within the 90 day timeframe and print the two certificates. <br />Mrs. Gina Prestridge advised the board that she given the City of Paris and Lamar County a copy of her <br />proposed budget with no shortfall listed. <br />Mrs. Prestridge presented June printout showing that 1,456 patients had been seen at the WIC office, <br />513 patients had been seen at the health district, 3 septic complaints, 48 restaurants inspections, and <br />0 reported cases of rabies. <br />Dr. Gibbons subjected we wait until to the next meeting to elect officers since 3 of our members are <br />absent. <br />The next regular meeting will be August 17th, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at the Paris - Lamar County Health <br />District. <br />Dr. Gibbons made the motion and was seconded by Dr. House for the meeting to be adjourned at 5:53 <br />p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted by: <br />CGS TIV 9ofiinson <br />Approval motion made by Dr. Gibbons and seconded by Dr. House at the August 17th, 2015 meeting. <br />All approved. <br />