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Jerry Haning stated is there anyone else to speak in favor or for Mr. Glick? No response. Is <br />there anyone from the City to speak against the appeal? <br />Kent McIlyar stated Mr. Chairman (Jerry Harting), if he can just share a couple of things <br />with the Board of Adjustment tonight about the reason that this case is here. Mr. McIlyar <br />stated just to clarify any person who is aggrieved by a decision of an administrative official <br />of the City of Paris has a right to appeal that decision to the Board of Adjustment. This is <br />under Section 16 of the Paris city zoning ordinance and also under Section 221 of the local <br />government code. In this instance, the appeal was the decision to revoke the permit, the <br />building permit held by Mr. Glick. That decision was made, rendered by the chief building <br />official Joey Sleeper on February 10, 2015. That is the decision being appealed. They also <br />filed a variance request, a request for variance, which is also a little unusual. Mr. McIlyar <br />stated he believes that you are probably more familiar with seeing variance requests for <br />builders that come before the board with odd - shaped lots that might be a little too narrow or <br />its not deep enough, setback requirements or the width requirements contained in the <br />requirements of zoning ordinance. The zoning ordinance allows them to come before the <br />Board of Adjustments ask for a variance of one foot, two feet, five feet, whatever it is, so <br />that we can build this structure on the property. In this instance, the applicant, Mr. Glick <br />has filed for a variance which appears to be that he's seeking a use variance. It's really up <br />to Mr. Glick and his legal counsel to put on their case and convince you why they're <br />entitled to that use variance. It is an unusual request. Mr. McIlyar stated he believes under <br />our City's zoning ordinance that only the planning and zoning commission can change the <br />zoning use chart and can make a decision to rezone a property, along with the city council. <br />The city council has the final vote on rezoning a property. <br />Alan Efrussy stated that's correct, Mr. McIlyar, and that's generally the zoning practice <br />across the country. <br />Kent McIlyar stated this is Mr. Alan Efrussy. He's the planning manager for the City of <br />Paris. <br />Alan Efrussy stated he agrees with what Mr. McIlyar said. Typically, across the country, <br />when there is a zoning change either for a new use or modifying a use in the zoning <br />ordinance, taking it out, making it permitted, not permitted, or a special -use permit, what <br />typically happens is the staff makes a recommendation. Then the public hearing process <br />goes before the planning and zoning commission, with proper notification. Then there's an <br />advertisement in the paper or communication of general public discourse indicating that <br />city council will also hold a public hearing, then by ordinance if city council votes. The city <br />council will have an ordinance prepared, and then the use goes into the zoning ordinance. <br />The council could deny, adjust, or make it a special- use permit. So essentially what Mr. <br />McIlyar said is correct. That's the correct decision. <br />Steve Walker stated can I respond? <br />