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18. Total Water & Sewer expenses are 0.67% below last year at year end and represent 95.91% of <br />the total budget while the City is 100.00% through the budget year. <br />Departmental Expenditure Summary: <br />At this point the City is twelve months or 100.00% through the budget year. Within the General and <br />Water & Sewer Funds there are four departments whose expenditures are over 100.00% for the year. <br />1. City Attorney - 100.26%. This overage was due to reducing the City Attorney's budget at year end <br />to help cover expenditures in other departments. This was not the fault of the City Attorney. <br />2. Parks /Rec /ROW - 100.23%. This overage was due to reducing the Parks' budget at year end to <br />help cover expenditures in other departments. This was not the fault of the Parks Department. <br />3. Water Production - 101.09%. This overage amounted to $28,705 and was due to work on the <br />filter beds. <br />4. Lift Stations - 102.14 %. This overage amounts to $8,986 and is due to electrical and maintenance <br />costs. <br />