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(F) The Parks Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan: The following are the key graphics in <br />this Park Master Plan: (1) Existing Parks and Open Space; (2) Trail and Sidewalk map; and (3) <br />Future Parks and Open Spaces; none of these plan maps are impacted by these two zoning <br />change requests. <br />(G) The Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) within the Comprehensive Plan: The FLUP recommends <br />Commercial use for both of the proposed lots requested for rezoning. The third lot, to the south <br />of both subject properties is recommended to remain Light Industrial. The FLUP recommends a <br />relatively large area to the west of these three subject properties to be Light Industrial, to be <br />changed from the currently zoned Heavy Industrial District (HI). Substantial area east of and <br />adjacent to North Main Street is recommended in the FLUP to be designated as Low Density <br />Residential (LDR), which is traditional, single - family detached dwelling units, to be changed <br />from the currently zoned Commercial District. <br />In light of the elements represented in this agenda item, the city staff recommends approval of <br />these two zoning requests based on the following factors, and therefore supports the Planning <br />and Zoning Commission's recommendation for approval. <br />(1) This development will be less than a mile north of Loop 286, making this close proximity of <br />the loop efficient ingress and egress for substantial heavy truck traffic, which could reduce <br />intensive truck volumes within the interior of Paris. <br />(2) There currently is a very substantial amount of area zoned Commercial in the immediate <br />environs of these three subject properties, to the extent that rezoning approximately five acres <br />from Commercial to Light Industrial should not impede commercial or retail development in the <br />subject area. <br />(3) This is a beneficial use to Paris that will amplify auto and truck oriented uses, services, and <br />functions both in Paris and in the region of the city. <br />(4) The functioning railroad trackage as well the existing uses in the subject area are compatible <br />with this rezoning request. <br />(5) The request for rezoning these subject two parcels is further strengthened since the FLUP <br />recommends that the substantial land area to the west of these subject properties be classified in <br />the Light Industrial category, to be changed from the existing Heavy Industrial zoning district. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Approve the rezoning of Lots 2 and 3, City Block 307 -A, from <br />Commercial District (C) to Light Industrial District (LI) in the 3200 Block of North Main Street. <br />