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• "In order to ensure that multiple - family areas are designed to a high standard <br />whenever they develop in the future, the City should consider incorporating the <br />following guidelines into the Zoning Ordinance: <br />• The proposed multi - family tract should be adjacent to an arterial roadway; <br />• All structures within the multi - family development should be at least 90 percent <br />masonry on exterior of the first story; <br />• If the tract is adjacent to single - family residential dwellings, transition areas <br />(greenspace, buffer areas, medium density development, etc.) should be <br />incorporated into the property; and <br />• Based upon the density of the complex, an appropriate amount of useable open <br />space should be required." <br />It is true that the zoning ordinance has not yet been modified to include these recommendations. <br />However, city staff believes these adopted recommendations should be incorporated into all new <br />multi- family development. Except for possible access (in the future) to Lamar Avenue (an <br />Arterial Roadway), the applicant has made no indication that he will create the other multi- <br />family recommendations as stated above. <br />(d) Would likely undermine the integrity and tranquility of the existing single - family <br />development adjacent to, and west of, this subject property. <br />Option Three: Recommend approval of multi - family or apartment use, but only by approval of <br />the Multiple - Family Dwelling (MF -1) zoning district. <br />Pros: (a) Would permit multiple family uses, but would not allow most of the commercial, retail, <br />and many of the more intensive uses that are permitted in the GR zone. <br />Cons: (a) Introduces a zoning district that is currently not located within the immediate environs <br />of the subject property; <br />(b) Inconsistent with the FLUP. <br />(c) Could represent spot zoning. <br />Option Four: Recommend approval of multi - family or apartment use, but only by approving a <br />Planned Development Zoning District (PD). <br />Pros: (a) This would, if the applicant agreed, provide an implementable and legal basis for <br />including the recommendations for High- Density Residential (HDR) uses, as described in Ord. <br />2008 -016, and as stated above. <br />3 <br />