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E. 2360 E Price; City block 222 -A, Lot 21 <br />Owner: Par Trust CIO JL Moore Trustee 813 Simmons Euless, TX 76040 <br />Taxes Owed: $12,891.63 <br />Robert Talley stated the carport has junk and rubbish, holes in the ceiling, the <br />back of the house has broken windows and is unsecure, lots of damage to the <br />house, holes in the roof, junk and rubbish inside the house and the roof is starting <br />the dip. <br />Discussion about minimum time allowed before we can demo. 30 days by State <br />law. Sally McEwin asked if this owner owns several properties is that no recourse <br />we have against them to recuperate some of the money we spend. Stephanie <br />Harris stated that it's possible to sue the property owner unless they have no <br />assets. The committee asked that this property be moved up on the demo list since <br />it's across from the park to reduce safety issues. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 10 days to secure and 30 days to demolish <br />if not the City has the right to demolish and apply a $1000 per day civil <br />penalty. <br />Motion was made by Ben Vaughan, seconded by Sally McEwin to accept <br />Robert Talley's recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. 7 -0 <br />4. Code Enforcement Update <br />Five structures were presented to BSC and eight were demolished in the month of <br />September. <br />Johnny Norris asked if the Tax Attorney would come speak to the commission again for <br />the new members to understand more and for them to ask questions. Robert Talley stated <br />he would invite him back. <br />Robert Talley stated that there are around 50 properties still on the list to be demo'ed. <br />Johnny Norris asked about the funds left and Robert Talley stated the new year just <br />started the first of October so funds are good. <br />Robert Talley is still working on bringing rubbish cases to the Building and Standard <br />Commission. He is working with Chip Matthews to get this started. <br />5. Adjournment <br />Motion was made by Charles Richards, seconded by Ben Vaughan to adjourn the <br />meeting at 4:15pm. <br />APPROVED THIS 16t' DAY OF NOVEMBER 2015. <br />hairman <br />