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County. Mr. Wilson stated PEDC would be second guessed on anything, but on this particular thing it was a <br />wise decision, that there was money in the budget for a spec building on that slab that would include 28 acres. <br />Mr. Banks made a motion to approve the August financials pending corrections. The motion was seconded by <br />Mr. Turner and carried 5 -0. <br />Citizen Input•. <br />Louise Mosely was recognized by the Chair. Ms. Mosely stated she thinks the property at 2305 Loop 286 is <br />polluted. Mr. Wilson stated the property has been completely and properly abated. Ms. Mosely stated that when <br />she "googled" the property it said the land had been contaminated. Ms. Mosely went on to ask why is it on <br />Google that the land is contaminated. Mr. Banks asked Louise why does Google show St. Joseph Hospital as <br />the hospital in town? Ms. Mosely asked if there were tanks on the property. Mr. Wilson stated there are no <br />tanks. Mr. Wilson stated before the plant was closed the plant was cleaned. Ms. Mosely went on to say if the <br />property is contaminated it's going to cost a fortune to clean it up. Mr. Wilson again stated he has <br />documentation that says otherwise. Mr. Manning and Mr. Banks stated that was the first thing done. <br />Ms. Mosely remarked when she heard PEDC had bought that land, that she was thinking, that would be like her <br />going in and buying a house in Paris Texas and expecting a company to buy the house that she chose, Ms. <br />Mosely stated that is what you guys have done, you picked the land and now you're holding it until a plant <br />comes in to buy the one that you guys have bought. Ms. Mosely went on to say she would not have done that <br />with her money, she would not have picked a piece of property, bought it expecting people coming to buy <br />something from Paris, they need to know where they are going to be, and what they are wanting, and that was <br />her opinion. Mr. Manning stated the contacts PEDC receives requests from would prefer buildings already in <br />place. <br />Convene into Executive Session: <br />The Board convened into Executive Session at 4:49 p.m. <br />Reconvene into Open Session and possibly take action on item(s) discussed in Executive Session: <br />The Board re- convened at 6:19 p.m. No action was taken on Executive Session. <br />Discuss Future Agenda Items: <br />No items were discussed. <br />Adiourn• <br />Mr. Turner made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson. The motion carried 5 -0. <br />The meeting ended at 6:20 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Angie Corbell <br />Office Manager <br />Paris EDC <br />