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Mr. Brockman asked for clarification on the value of the slab as stated in the minutes. Mr. Wilson stated the <br />minutes needed be corrected to say a new slab alone would be worth $600, 000.00. Mr. Manning stated the <br />word "new" should be added. Mr. Brockman made a motion to accept the corrected minutes. The motion was <br />seconded by Mr. Banks. The motion carried 4 -0. <br />Discuss and possibly approve October 2015 Financials: <br />Mr. Wilson stated the total operating expenses and pointed out the breakdown. Mr. Banks inquired about the car <br />allowance being paid in November instead of October. Ms. Brownfield advised the City Finance office paid it <br />in November instead of October. Mr. Wilson pointed out the ending cash balance was $1,980,000.00 and <br />$29,000.00 was transferred into debt service and I & S reserves so the I & S reserves went from $379,000.00 to <br />$408,000.00, making the total $2,388,827.00. Mr. Banks made a motion to approve the financials. Mr. <br />Brockman seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -0. <br />Convene into Executive Session: <br />The Board convened into executive session at 5:18pm. <br />Reconvene into Open Session and possibly take action on item(s) discussed in Executive Session: <br />The Board reconvened at 6:24pm. Mr. Banks made a motion to contract with Chaney Engineering to conduct a <br />survey on plot number 405795 in the amount of 600 to 700 dollars. The motion was seconded by Mr. <br />Brockman. The motion carried with an amended amount of $700 to $800 with all members present voting aye. <br />Discuss Future Agenda Items: <br />None <br />Adiourn• <br />Mr. Banks motioned to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson. The motion carried 4 -0. <br />The meeting ended at 6:27 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Angie Corbell <br />Office Manager <br />Paris EDC <br />