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Regular Council Meeting <br />January 11, 2016 <br />Page 4 <br />16. Continue the public hearing, discuss and act on an Ordinance considering the petition of <br />the City of Paris for a change in zoning from a Lake Crook Planned Development District <br />(LCPDD) Sub -Zone 1, the Resort Area to an Agriculture District (A) on which property <br />is commonly known as Lake Crook, comprised of 3,000 +/- acres of land, in addition to <br />1,000 +/- acres of lake area. <br />Mayor Hashmi continued the public hearing and asked that anyone wishing to speak <br />about this item, to please come forward. Planning and Zoning Chair Holland Harper, 1040 -31St <br />S.E. Street — he said P &Z voted unanimously to leave the ordinance in place. Mr. Harper said <br />Lake Crook was about 3,000 acres and about 183 acres was designated as a park. He also said <br />over the last year the staff has put many hours into planning and that P &Z thought this was one <br />of the best pieces of information received from City Council. He said to leave the ordinance in <br />place was one of the best things for the County, the City and the community. Ruth Ann <br />Alsobrook, 208 50' SW — she said she was in favor of changing the zoning back to agriculture <br />and that she goes out to Lake Crook a lot. Ms. Alsobrook said she hated to see anything <br />developed around Lake Crook, because it was such a beautiful area. With no one else speaking, <br />Mayor Hashmi closed the public hearing. <br />Council Member Clifford said the vast majority of people who talked to him, had <br />expressed they did not want to see anything developed at Lake Crook and that was the way he <br />was leaning. Council Member Plata agreed with Council Member Clifford and also said he <br />wished the City could find the funds to improve the park area. Council Member Lancaster said <br />she was hearing from people that the park should be improved. Mayor Hashmi said he <br />understood what both Ms. Alsobrook and Mr. Harper were saying, but they had a Planning and <br />Zoning Commission and he did not want to go against what the City had done. He said however <br />there remains a concern in the minds of people who support Lake Crook. Mayor Hashmi said it <br />was never the intention to sell the lake and they did want a nice park for the residents. Mayor <br />Hashmi said he favored improvement of the park without repealing the entire ordinance, as staff <br />had worked very hard on it. He suggested they begin with park improvements and visit this at a <br />later date, to determine whether or not zoning needed to be changed on the entire area. He said <br />the City had received a donation for the park from Dr. and Mrs. Swint and that he had also given <br />a donation. Mr. Godwin confirmed the total amount was $110,000 and the funds were <br />designated for the park. He said that staff would develop a plan as to how the funds should be <br />spent and would bring that back to Council for approval. Following discussion, it was a <br />consensus of the Council to leave the zoning ordinance in place and begin improving the park. <br />A Motion to table this item pertaining to rezoning and that the City move forward with <br />improving the park was made by Mayor Hashmi and seconded by Council Member Plata. <br />Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />17. Discuss and act on RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -003: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO BE <br />