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REGULAR MEETING MINUTES <br />MAIN STREET ADVISORY BOARD <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 E. KAUFMAN ST <br />PARIS. TEXAS <br />Tuesday january 12 2016 <br />4:30 P.M. <br />Present <br />Absent <br />,�iMa4e, Chair <br />Glee hnine <br />Phillip Peeples <br />PatFowzer <br />Missrs&mes <br />Harriet Wilson - teauredresgmaaa, <br />Iamie Redw <br />Chen Bedford-Mam Street Coordinator <br />Guests Present <br />VCCLmmon, BeW Semple, <br />Richard and Claudia Hunt <br />Counci Liwon: Benny Plata <br />Chris and Rebecca Dux <br />Item I: Call meeting to order -Jill Drake, Quorum present <br />Item 2: Ci &,ens Forum was moved to item 4 to bear the presentations of the BIG grant <br />applicants. <br />Item 3: Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Missy Starnes to approve the minutes <br />of the December 8, 2015 meeting as presented. seconded by Phillip Peeples, motion <br />carried 4 - 0 <br />Item 4: Main Street Coordinator gave die MSAB members a copy of print out of the <br />money currently available in the BIG Account. <br />Item 4A: Richard Hunt presented Ile board with pictures of his building <br />located at 124 SW I" Street. This building used to be the drive dhrough for the Liberty <br />National Bank. The building is being renovated for apartments upstairs and two retail <br />spaces downstairs. He explained he was stubbing in the water and electricity and gas to the <br />right side store front of the building's first floor renovations. For now he explained be <br />intends to use the space as a garage for storage. He also explained that his project included <br />a handicap accessible employee resh-oom at the back of de building that would be <br />available to the public when a retail space were to open in that half of die building. Mr. <br />Hunt requested $5000.00 to assist with die electrical and gas and water upgrades. <br />Chairman Drake called for any discussion, hearing no questions, A motion <br />was made by Jill Drake to approve a $5000.00 building improvement grant to Richard <br />Hunt for the improvement presented, seconded by Phillip Peeples, motion carried 5 - 0 <br />Item 4B: Chris Dux presented to the board for die roof installation of ]ris building <br />located on 134 SW I st Street. Mr. Dux made die board aware that his project began just <br />to replace roof trusses; however the existing roof material created some issues with the new <br />trusses causing the roof to sag. The situation called for immediate action on replacing (lie <br />roof because of the rainy season. Mr. Dux secured three bids for die immediate removal <br />and replacement of the existing roof to further protect die building integrity. As soon as <br />the application was submitted to the Main Street office, die roof repair began. <br />