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Regular Council Meeting <br />January 25, 2016 <br />Page 5 <br />the longest living resident in Pine Valley and opposed the development in this area. Wallace <br />Elvie said the City Council had an opportunity to go through the City and use the money to <br />develop the not so beautiful areas of town. Donald Lewis said he was the one that sold this <br />property and the Garretts were not putting in Section 8 housing, but a tax credit project. He said <br />the apartments were of good quality and the tax credits allowed them to rent for less and that it <br />did not adjoin the neighborhood but was close to the highway. Mayor Hashmi told Mr. Lewis he <br />thought item 15 was the property which he was speaking about. Don Pryor said the majority of <br />people attending the meeting were there to oppose item 14 and his experience with rental <br />property had not been good. Council Members Pickle and Lancaster suggested looking at other <br />sites within the City. Laura Myrick with LW Development spoke in support of this item, citing <br />they were going to build single family units and the program was administered through the IRS. <br />Mayor Hashmi said he did not believe anyone was opposed to the project but opposed to <br />the location. He said he had heard from many citizens who were opposed to the location and for <br />that reason he opposed it. <br />A Motion to deny this item was made by Mayor Hashmi and seconded by Council <br />Member Clifford. Motion carried 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />15. Receive public input, discuss and act on a Resolution in support of GS Paris Family, LP's <br />Application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), and <br />the proposed development of a new apartment complex located at 4800 Lamar Avenue; <br />and approving State Street Housing, LP's request for a de minimis contribution for <br />development of a new apartment complex. <br />Mayor Hashmi opened the item to receive public input. Lisa Gandy expressed concern <br />about the high volume of traffic that was already in existence and the number of wrecks in front <br />of the gym. Mrs. Gandy said this was not the best location for the number of units they were <br />proposing to build there. Donald Lewis said he could not disagree that freeway traffic was <br />dangerous. He also said criminal background checks would be done on all renters and there was <br />a requirement that all school age children had to attend school. <br />Council Member Pickle said he would rather see retail in this area. Council Members <br />Clifford, Plata, Lancaster and Jenkins opposed this project at this location. <br />A Motion to deny this item was made by Mayor Hashmi and seconded by Council <br />Member Clifford. Motion carried 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />17. Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Garver USA to provide the professional <br />engineering services for conceptual design of the City's wastewater treatment facility <br />rehabilitation. <br />Mr. Godwin said they had been discussing this over the last several years and that this <br />was a long -term project and that the City needed to start really soon. Utilities Director Doug <br />Harris explained that each firm made a presentation to the City evaluation team in April 2014 <br />
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