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requirements of the predecessor article. Livestock that are registered within said 90 day <br />period will be exempt from the provisions of this article. The exemption shall apply <br />only to the specific registered animal or animals and shall further only apply to the specific <br />location for which the animals are registered. <br />7. It shall be an offense for a person to keep or harbor livestock in violation of the <br />requirements of this section. <br />b. Miniature livestock. <br />It shall be unlawful for any person to keep miniature livestock in an area zoned residential <br />unless kept in an enclosure of at least one acre, every part of which shall be situated not <br />less than fifty (50) feet from any inhabited dwelling. Not more than 5 additional head of <br />miniature livestock will be allowed in any enclosure per acre. <br />C. Pot - bellied pigs. <br />In addition to other generally applicable requirements, the owner of a pot - bellied pig shall <br />comply with the following: <br />1. It is an offense for any person to keep, harbor, or raise more than two pot - bellied <br />pigs in any one location within the city. In order for a pot - bellied pig to be considered an <br />adult it must be at least six months of age. <br />2. All such pot - bellied pigs shall be kept indoors at all times other than for evacuation <br />of waste material or during exercise periods. It is an offense to leave pot - bellied pigs in the <br />back yard or front yard of the owner's residence unattended. All waste material must be <br />collected and disposed of in a manner that will not create a nuisance, and failure to do so is <br />an offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000.00. <br />3. It shall be an offense for any person to keep, harbor, or raise a pot - bellied pig which <br />has not received annual vaccinations for erysipelas, parvo virus and leptospirosis (the first <br />of which vaccination shall be obtained before the animal reaches the age of four months). It <br />shall be the responsibility of the owner or caretaker of the pot - bellied pig to provide <br />documentation regarding the vaccinations upon request from Animal Control. <br />d. Swine. <br />Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance, and with the exception of <br />pot - bellied pigs as defined in Sec. 5 -4 (c) hereinabove, it shall be unlawful for any person to <br />keep, raise or harbor hogs or swine within the corporate limits of the city. <br />This section shall not be construed to prohibit any person engaged in operating any <br />packinghouse, auction or commission sale barn, or other similar institution, located within <br />a properly zoned area as designated and defined by the zoning ordinance and zoning map <br />of the city, from keeping hogs or swine at such place of business for a temporary period of <br />time, and not to exceed a maximum of seven (7) days, awaiting their use in connection with <br />the operation and maintenance of such packinghouse, auction or commission sale barn or <br />similar institution, or their sale at such auction or commission sale barn; nor shall this <br />section be construed to prohibit any person from keeping hogs for a temporary period of <br />