Enclosure shall mean a securely fenced -in or enclosed area, building, barn, pen, or
<br />corral, whether covered by a roof or otherwise which shall be of such construction and
<br />strength to keep animals from running at large.
<br />Exotic animals shall mean non - native species of animal including, but not limited to,
<br />nonpoisonous reptiles which, when mature, are over six feet in length; ostriches; any
<br />member of the Ratite family; or exotic livestock as defined by the state animal health
<br />commission.
<br />Fowl shall mean all of those birds commonly called poultry including, but not limited
<br />to, chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, turkeys, pigeons, and all the relatives of those birds
<br />which can be in pens, coops, cages or enclosures of any kind.
<br />Harboring shall mean the act of keeping and caring for an animal or of providing
<br />premises to which the animal returns for food, shelter or care for a period of five days or
<br />more.
<br />Hive shall mean a structure intended for the housing of a bee colony.
<br />Humanely euthanized shall mean to cause the death of an animal by a method which
<br />rapidly produces unconsciousness and death without visible evidence of pain or distress;
<br />or utilizes anesthesia produced by an approved agent that causes painless loss of
<br />consciousness, and death following such loss of consciousness.
<br />Humane trap shall mean a box cage for catching animals in a humane manner.
<br />Impound shall mean to seize and hold in the custody of the animal control division.
<br />Large livestock shall mean horses, mules, donkeys, cattle, goats, sheep, and swine
<br />regardless of age, sex, size or breed but does not include pot - bellied pigs, miniature horses,
<br />miniature donkeys, miniature cattle or other miniature livestock or pygmy goats.
<br />Miniature livestock shall mean swine, goats, horses, donkeys, cattle or other
<br />livestock that have been specifically bred to be significantly smaller at maturity than all
<br />other breeds of similar animals. Miniature livestock includes, but is not limited to, pygmy
<br />goats, and miniature horses, miniature donkeys and miniature cattle.
<br />Municipal Court shall mean the Municipal Court for the City of Paris, Texas.
<br />Owner shall mean any person having title to any animal, or a person who has,
<br />harbors or keeps, or who causes or permits to be harbored or kept, an animal in his care, or
<br />who permits an animal to remain on or about his premises.
<br />Person shall mean any individual, firm, association, partnership, or corporation.
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