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Regular Council Meeting <br />February 22, 2016 <br />Page 2 <br />Consent Agenda <br />Mayor Hashmi inquired of Council Members if they wished to pull any items from the <br />Consent Agenda for discussion. There being none, a Motion to approve the consent agenda was <br />made by Council Member Pickle and seconded by Council Member Lancaster. Motion carried, <br />7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />5. Approve minutes from the meeting on February 8, 2016. <br />6. Receive reports and /or minutes from the following boards, commissions, and committees: <br />a. Traffic Commission (12 -1 -2015) <br />b. Planning and Zoning Commission (1 -4 -2016) <br />c. Main Street Advisory Board (1 -12 -2016) <br />7. Receive January monthly financial report. <br />8. Receive January drainage report. <br />9. Receive demolition report. <br />10. Receive code enforcement activity report. <br />11. Accept bids and award contracts for the purchase of roadway materials to the lowest <br />responsible bidder(s) for the twelve -month period beginning April 1, 2016. <br />12. Accept the bid and award the contract for the replacement of concrete curbs and gutters, <br />driveway approaches, and reinforced concrete sidewalks to the lowest responsible <br />bidder(s) for the twelve -month period beginning April 1, 2016. <br />Regular Agenda <br />13. Conduct the second public hearing on an Ordinance disannexing two tracts of land, each <br />being a 5.025 acre tract located in the Wesley Askins Survey, Abst. No. 7, being Lots <br />Fourteen (14) and Sixteen (16) of the Wildwood Estates Subdivision, according to the <br />Plat of such Addition recorded in Envelope 321 -A, Lamar County Plat Records. <br />Mayor Hashmi opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak in favor <br />or opposition of this item, to please come forward. With no one speaking, Mayor Hashmi closed <br />the public hearing. <br />14. Receive public input, discuss and act on a Resolution in support of the Brownstone <br />Group, Inc.'s Application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs <br />