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(H) Additional Considerations Regarding the Staff Recommendation: (I) The city engineer, <br />director of public works, and fire marshal have stated that they do not have issues with this <br />rezoning request. <br />(II) The Texas Local Government Code (TLGC, 2016 edition) does not address tattoo parlors. <br />However, licenses, registration, and regulations regarding tattoo and certain body piercing <br />establishments are addressed in the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 146. As part of the <br />SUP procedure regarding this zoning request, the staff is recommending as a condition that all of <br />said Chapter 146 become part of the approval requirement for this proposed tattoo use. Beyond <br />that, the city planning staff does not have issues with this request; there is apparently a market <br />for this use within Paris and the surrounding region. Again, that use will add to the tax base and <br />employment opportunity, relatively small as it may be. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Approve a change in zoning from a General Retail District (GR) to a <br />General Retail District with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Tattoo Shop, on the City of Paris <br />Block 315, Lot 13, being located at 4225 Lamar Avenue, Suite D, conditioned upon adherence to <br />the requirements of the Texas Health And Safety Code, Chapter 146: Tattoo and Certain Body <br />Piercing Studios. <br />