<br />(28) Development, substantial conformance— The situation in which a revision to a
<br />development that was approved through a permit or tentative map complies with the
<br />objectives, standards, guidelines, and conditions for that permit or tentative map.
<br />(29) District —A section of the City of Paris for which the regulations governing the area, height
<br />or use of the land and buildings are uniform.
<br />(30) Dwelling, One - Family —A detached building having accommodations for and occupied by
<br />not more than one family, or by one family and not more than four (4) boarders and
<br />lodgers.
<br />(31) Dwelling, Two - Family —A detached building having separate accommodations for and
<br />occupied by not more than two (2) families, or by two (2) families and not more than four
<br />(4) boarders and lodgers (two (2) boarders or lodgers to each unit).
<br />(32) Dwelling, Multiple- Family —Any building or portion thereof, which is designed, built, rented,
<br />leased or let to be occupied as three or more dwelling units or apartments or which is
<br />occupied as a home or residence of three or more families.
<br />(33) Dwelling Unit —A building or portion of a building which is arranged, occupied, or intended
<br />to be occupied as living quarters and includes facilities for food preparation and sleeping.
<br />(34) Expansion Substantial (also addition, major )—Floor space increase of 25 percent or new
<br />materials or processes not normally associated with the existing use.
<br />(35) Family —A number of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit, in which not
<br />more than four (4) individuals are unrelated by blood, marriage or adoption.
<br />(36) Fiber Optics Communications System— An interstate network of fiber optic cables and all
<br />related property including conduit, carrier pipe, cable fibers, repeaters, power sources, and
<br />other attachments and appurtenances necessary for fiber optics communication.
<br />(37) Floor Area —The total square feet of floor space within the outside dimensions of a building
<br />including each floor level, but excluding cellars, carports, garages, storage areas,
<br />stairwells, elevator shafts, equipment rooms, interior vehicular parking or loading; and
<br />excluding all floors below the first or ground floor, except when used or intended to be used
<br />for human habitation or service to the public.
<br />(38) Floor Area Ratio —An indicated ratio between the number of square feet of total floor area
<br />in the main building(s) on a lot and the total square footage of land in the lot; it is the
<br />number resulting from dividing the main building floor area by the lot area. (See appendix
<br />illustration 10).
<br />(39) Gated Community— Residential areas that restrict access to normally public spaces. The
<br />type of gates can range from elaborate guard houses to similar electronic arms. Residents
<br />may enter by electronic cards, identification stickers, codes, or remote control devices.
<br />Visitors must stop to be verified for entry.
<br />(40) Graffiti— Any inscription, word, figure, marking, or design that is marked etched, scratched,
<br />drawn, or painted on any building, structure, fixture, or other improvement, whether
<br />permanent or temporary, including by way of example only and without limitation, fencing
<br />surrounding construction sites, whether public or private, without the consent of the owner
<br />of the property or the owner's authorized agent, and which is visible from the public right -
<br />of -way. Said display may also, under certain circumstances, be unauthorized and /or be in
<br />violation of other governmental jurisdictional laws, codes, and /or ordinances.
<br />