<br />(98) Use, Compatible— A compatible use is a property, use, or service which is capable of
<br />direct association with certain other uses because it is complimentary, congruous, or
<br />otherwise not detrimental.
<br />(99) Use, Conforming— Any use of a structure or land that is a permitted or approved
<br />provisional or special use in the district in which the structure or land is situated and which
<br />conforms to the regulations of that district and all other regulations, ordinances, codes,
<br />and /or policies as applicable to said property.
<br />(100) Use, Incompatible— A use or service that is incapable of direct association with certain
<br />other uses because it is contradictory, incongruous, or discordant.
<br />(101) Use, Intensification of —A change in the use of a structure or site, where the new use is
<br />required by the City of Paris to have more off - street parking spaces than the former use; or
<br />a change in the operating characteristics of a use (for example, hours of operation), which
<br />generates more activity on the site.
<br />(102) Use, Nonconforming— A use that was valid when brought into existence but by
<br />subsequent regulation becomes no longer conforming. This may be a structure, use, or
<br />parcel of land.
<br />(103) Use, Reasonable— A legal concept articulated by federal and state courts in regulatory
<br />taking cases. Within the context of these cases and for the purposes of this Paris Zoning
<br />Ordinance, reasonable use shall mean any use allowed by the City of Paris and shall not
<br />mean the subdivision of property.
<br />(104) Use, Transitional— A use, allowed in a transitional area, intended to create a gradual
<br />change in uses from industrial and commercial areas to residential areas.
<br />(105) Vending Cart An accessory use consisting of a portable stand and any related accessory
<br />appurtenances such as awning, canopy, or seating, used for the retail sales of goods
<br />including but not limited to beverages, food, and flowers.
<br />(106) Visually Sensitive Area— Pleasing vistas or prospects or scenes, including but not limited
<br />to skylines, ridgelines, bluffs, rock outcroppings, foothills, mountain backdrop, unique
<br />vegetation, floodplains, streams, surface water, natural drainage ways, and wildlife habitat.
<br />(107) Xeriscaping— A set of garden design and landscape maintenance principals that promote
<br />good horticultural practices and efficient use of water. The term "xeriscape" is a registered
<br />trademark of the National Xeriscape Council and means water - conserving, drought - tolerant
<br />landscaping.
<br />(108) Yard —An open space other than a court, on the lot in which a building is situated and
<br />which is not obstructed from a point thirty (30) inches above the general ground level of the
<br />graded lot to the sky, except as provided for roof overhang and similar special architectural
<br />features.
<br />(109) Yard, Front —An open, unoccupied space on a lot facing a street extending across the front
<br />of the lot between the side lot lines and from the main building to the front lot or street line
<br />with the minimum horizontal distance between the street line and the main building line as
<br />specified for the district in which it is located. (See appendix illustrations 3 and 5)
<br />(110) Yard, Rear —An open, unoccupied space, except for accessory buildings as herein
<br />permitted, extending across the rear of a lot from one side lot line to the other side lot line
<br />and having a depth between the building and the rear lot line as specified in the district in
<br />which the lot is situated. (See appendix illustration 3)
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