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organized events to attract investors. Mr. Paris stated he did not see PEDC participating in <br />international organizations such as IAMC or IADC. He went on to say he thought Team Texas <br />would benefit the PEDC by giving them the opportunity to attend marketing events more <br />localized to the state of Texas. Mr. Paris highlighted the membership choices for the Board. <br />Mr. Wilson stated he had previewed the information and asked if the PEDC participated as a <br />member, and then chose the events to participate individually if that would be satisfactory. Mr. <br />Wilson went on to say that in 2013 PEDC had spent too much in marketing, but had since been <br />conservative on Marketing. Mr. Wilson stated he wanted to make sure that the Marketing <br />expenses would be used to custom target the events. Mr. Banks clarified the membership events <br />costs listed. Mr. Brockman added travel expenses would be extra. Mr. Manning stated he liked <br />the idea of choosing the events independently. Mr. Paris stated if the PEDC wished, the Chair <br />could create a sub - committee to address the issue creating a comprehensive Marketing Plan. Mr. <br />Brockman & Mr. Wilson concurred. Mr. Wilson suggested extra meetings to establish goals for <br />moving forward as a Board to receive feedback. Mr. Paris stated it would help with community <br />understanding of the PEDC objectives. Mr. Banks requested clarification on the TEDC and <br />Team Texas being related or separate entities. Mr. Paris clarified they are two different <br />organizations but work together to attract economic development to Texas. <br />Mr. Banks motioned to join Team Texas for a membership fee of $3000.00. The motion was <br />seconded by Mr. Wilson. The motion carried 4 -0. <br />Discuss and possibly act on travel to the TEDC Winter Conference in Bastrop, Texas <br />Mr. Paris stated he was hoping to attend the conference when it was originally placed on the <br />agenda. However; he has been very busy with assisting local businesses, and in the future he <br />would like to attend an annual conference, but the timing was not feasible at this time. <br />No action was taken on the above item. <br />Discuss and possibly take action to review PEDC Standard Operating Procedures. <br />Mr. Brockman stated it was not an easy review. Mr. Paris stated he had a discussion with Mr. <br />Wilson about the Standard Operating Procedures. The board concurred that the document was <br />extensive and the last update was around 2013. Mr. Paris stated he was not used to working with <br />such detailed guidelines. Mr. Wilson stated that the document needed review to make sure the <br />guidelines were realistic, and a consent agenda for the board to consider may be in order. Mr. <br />Wilson stated a sub - committee may be needed to review. Mr. Manning stated the current <br />document should be used because of the previous issues. Mr. Manning stated if it became a <br />hindrance, then it should be addressed. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Banks concurred there were <br />