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Regular Council Meeting <br />March 28, 2016 <br />Page 5 <br />Richard Bowers, Bowers Garage — he said his family had been in this business for 50 <br />years and he received a letter from code telling him he had 30 days to put up a fence. Mr. <br />Bowers said the fence would probably cost $20,000, it was not feasible and he could not afford <br />to do it. He said he called Larry Wright, who was arrogant and made it clear that he did not <br />care. Mr. Bowers said his shop was not in the City when it was built and it had always been <br />grandfathered. He said Mr. Wright should have the documentation on that. <br />Mayor Hashmi said they would have the city manager look into it and they would get <br />back to all of them. <br />Ronnie Seeliger, 1730 N. Collegiate — he said his family had been in the business since <br />1957. He also said they were for beautification of Paris and they had done a lot to make their <br />areas look better. He said the business owners were willing to work with the Council and said <br />some of the business owners did not have room to put up a fence. <br />Reverend James Price — he inquired when they were going to tour Paris. Mayor Hashmi <br />said that Mr. Godwin would set it up. <br />16. Adjournment. <br />There being no further business, a Motion to adjourn was made by Council Member <br />Pickle and was seconded by Council Member Frierson. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. The <br />meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m. <br />A.J. HASHMI, M.D., MAYOR <br />JANICE ELLIS, CITY CLERK <br />