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Discuss and possibly approve the 2016 Financials: <br />Mr. Wilson was recognized by the Chair. Mr. Wilson stated in the future Mr. Paris would be <br />reporting on the financials. Mr. Wilson stated that there was nothing unusual to note. Mr. Wilson <br />added Work Keys was $512.00. Paula Brownfield stated it was for Roxton High School. Mr. <br />Wilson went on to say $875.00 was for a survey on Project Rail Spur. Mr. Banks asked for <br />clarification on Marketing and Promotion with The Paris News. Mr. Wilson stated it was for <br />internet advertising online, which has since, been canceled. <br />Mr. Paris added he had presented the modified budget to the City of Paris. Mr. Wilson stated the <br />amount of income needed to be monitored because of fluctuations. Mr. Wilson the staff should <br />take a look into the tax revenue. Mr. Wilson stated the income appears to be flat, but with the <br />economic activity in the area it seems like it should begin increasing somewhat. Mr. Paris stated <br />he would look into it and bring it up at the next meeting. <br />Mr. Banks motioned to approve the financials. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brockman. The <br />motion carried 4 -0. <br />Discuss and possibly take action on how the car allowance will be facilitated by the PEDC <br />for the Executive Director: <br />Mr. Banks stated he had requested this item on the agenda. Mr. Banks went on to say he found <br />information on employer duties and PEDC would have to pay the IRA retirement portion on Mr. <br />Paris' travel. Mr. Paris stated that Mr. Anderson, the finance officer, would pay the Social <br />Security portion based on the base salary amount only. Mr. Paris stated that either way Mr. <br />Banks wished to clarify the details of the agreement. Mr. Wilson gave some options of saving <br />taxes for Mr. Paris and the PEDC. Mr. Wilson suggested Mr. Paris' receive further input from <br />Mr. Anderson for clarification of the options. <br />Mr. Paris stated he would confer with Mr. Anderson. <br />No action was taken on this item. <br />Discuss and Possibly take Action PEDC participation level with Team Texas through the <br />Texas Economic Development Council. <br />Mr. Paris stated that he realized PEDC had been challenged in the past on Marketing <br />expenditures. Mr. Paris went on to say that Select USA was the best trip he had the privilege of <br />attending and that he had met a number of financially desirable investors & Team Texas is a part <br />of TEDC. Team Texas has memberships available to allow communities to participate in <br />2 <br />