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when individual lots are constructed with similar dwelling units as those <br />which already exist in said neighborhood(s). <br />(II) Rezone the property to the requested Two — Family Dwelling District (2F) <br />a. This would make the subject property compatible with the Future Land Use <br />Plan recommendation of Moderate Density Residential (MDR). <br />b. If the subject property is developed as requested for duplex use, the <br />intersection of Crescent Drive and NE 26th Street would then have duplex <br />uses on the northeast corner, and on the west side of 26th Street, specifically <br />on the west, northwest, and southwest sides of this street; thereby providing <br />the same land use continuity at these intersections. <br />c. Currently, there are existing duplex uses directly north and adjacent to the <br />subject property, and directly across NE 26th Street to the west, making a <br />duplex use at this subject site generally compatible with the surrounding <br />neighborhood. <br />d. In city staff s opinion, this rezoning would not constitute spot zoning <br />because although the subject property and immediately adjacent area is <br />currently zoned SF -2, this subject neighborhood is exemplified, in many <br />cases, with both single — family and duplex uses virtually adjacent to each <br />other. Therefore, said rezoning request would be compatible with much of <br />the existing duplex uses in the subject environs, as well as being consistent <br />with the MDR recommendation within the Future Land Use Plan. <br />(J) Considerations from the April 4, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting: Prior to <br />the April 4th commission meeting, the city staff recommended approval of this request for a <br />change in zoning from SF -2 to 2F. However, at that meeting a petition was submitted to the <br />commission by a large number of citizens, recommending denial of said zoning change request. <br />The commission unanimously recommended denial of said re— zoning. Since the staff also <br />recommended denial as one of its options, the city staff supports the recommendation of the <br />commission. (Note: If the council chooses to approve this re— zoning request, an adopting <br />ordinance is included with this agenda item, and said ordinance requires that a 3/ majority of the <br />full council approve that ordinance.) <br />RECOMMENDATION: Deny a change of zoning from a Single — Family Dwelling District No.2 <br />(SF -2) to a Two — Family Dwelling District (2F) on Block B, Lot 24, of the Willowcrest No.2 <br />Addition, being located in the 2600 Block of Crescent Drive. <br />3 <br />