<br />62. Recycling Collection Center —A center for the acceptance by donation, redemption, or
<br />purchase of recyclable materials from the public. Collection centers include reverse
<br />vending machines or groups of reverse vending machines, a mobile recycling unit, kiosk -
<br />type units that may include permanent structures and unattended containers placed for the
<br />donation of recyclable materials.
<br />63. Recycling Plant —A facility that is not a salvage yard and in which recoverable
<br />resources, such as newspapers, magazines, books, and other paper products, glass, metal,
<br />cans, and other products are recycled, reprocessed, and treated to return such products to
<br />a condition in which they may again be used for production.
<br />64. Recycling Unit, Mobile —An automobile, truck, trailer, or van that may be licensed by
<br />the state, which is used for the collection of recycle materials. A mobile recycling unit also
<br />means the bins, boxes, or containers transported by trucks, vans, or trailers and used for
<br />the collection of recyclable materials.
<br />65. Research and Development Business —A business that engages in research, or research
<br />and development, of innovative ideas in technology- intensive fields. Examples include
<br />research and development of computer software, information systems, communication
<br />systems, transportation, geographic information systems, multimedia and video
<br />technology. Development and construction of prototypes may be associated with this use.
<br />66. Residence Home for Aged —A home where elderly people are provided with lodging
<br />and meals with or without nursing care.
<br />67. Retail Stores and Shops offering all types of consumer goods for sale, but excluding the
<br />display and sale in the open outside a building, of new or used automobiles, heavy
<br />machinery, building materials, used appliances, furniture or salvage materials.
<br />68. School, Public or Parochial —A school under the sponsorship of a public or religious
<br />agency having a curriculum generally equivalent to public elementary or secondary
<br />schools, but not including private or trade or commercial schools.
<br />69. Self - Service Storage Facility (also mini storage facility and /or mini warehouse)— A
<br />building or group of buildings for rent or lease divided into separate compartments used to
<br />meet the temporary storage needs of small businesses, apartment dwellers, and other
<br />residential uses, and may include conditioned facilities; restricted to the storage of items
<br />that are not for sale on the premises.
<br />70. Sexually oriented businesses —An adult arcade, adult bookstore or adult video store,
<br />adult cabaret, adult motel, adult motion picture theater, adult theater, escort agency, nude
<br />model studio, or sexual encounter center.
<br />71. Sign, Advertising or Billboard —A display, panel or poster which advertises or
<br />promotes a commodity or service not offered for sale on the premises where such sign is
<br />located.
<br />72. Sign, business —A panel, display or device which advertises or promotes commodities
<br />or services offered on the premises where such signs are located.
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