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Regular Council Meeting <br />April 11, 2016 <br />Page 7 <br />and the amount of time it was taking. Mr. Godwin recommended that they seek a single person <br />so they have a focal point. He said this was budgeted and had not been done by AECOM for the <br />last several months. Mr. Godwin said staff had been attempting to fill this gap. He explained the <br />options as hiring a full -time employee but did not recommend it; another option was to make <br />AECOM responsible for providing a person and that person would be responsible for making a <br />report to the Council once a month for several months. He said an advantage of AECOM would <br />be they know the plans better. Mr. Godwin also said an option would be to hire a third party and <br />the advantage was the person would be freer to question the contractor and engineer, and they <br />would be working directly for the City. <br />Mayor Hashmi said he thought they should hire a third party contract individual, who <br />would have the power to stop a project if it was not going right and that person should coordinate <br />the project between the staff, residents, City Council and City Manager. Mayor Hashmi said this <br />project was too important of a project and that the individual should be at every Council meeting <br />to give an update to the Council. It was a consensus of the City Council to hire an outside third <br />party. <br />A Motion to hire an outside third party to oversee the 2013 water and sewer bond projects <br />was made by Mayor Hashmi and seconded by Council Members Lancaster and Clifford. Motion <br />carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />18. Receive a detailed update on the 2013 water and sewer bond projects, including the date <br />the project/job was let, the start date, status of each project/job and associated costs to <br />date and estimate completion date of each project/job. <br />Mayor Hashmi said he placed this item on the agenda, but was not necessarily interested <br />in the associated costs. Ms. Easton inquired which projects Council wanted an update and Mayor <br />Hashmi said only the ongoing and upcoming projects. <br />Ms. Easton explained Package 4 included water and sewer line repairs on Pine Bluff <br />Street, Lamesa Heights, Clarksville Street, 6`t' SE, 8' SE, 12 SE, Graham Street, 40"' SE, and <br />17t` NE. She also said it would encompass repairs in downtown and along 286. Ms. Easton said <br />the project on Pine Bluff Street was expected to be completed in the fall, and that the Lamesa <br />Heights project would begin soon. Ms. Easton reported that the start date from improvement of <br />lines along Loop 286 was still to be determined as a few easements need to be secured. Ms. <br />Easton told Council lines had been replaced to 8`h Street with water lines to be replaced in the <br />summer and repaving on Pine Bluff in the fall. <br />19. Receive presentation from Council Member Clifford regarding the bond project in West <br />Paris, discuss and possibly take action. <br />Council Member Clifford presented slides reflecting muddy streets, curbs that were <br />already cracking, and muddy driveways, noting that in some instances you would nearly have to <br />have a four wheel drive vehicle to get down the street. He said he had been contacted by <br />constituents a couple of weeks ago which prompted a walking tour. Council Member Clifford <br />